

单词 theological
释义 theological, a. (n.)|θiːəʊˈlɒdʒɪkəl|
[ad. med.L. theologicālis (Duns Scotus a 1308), f. L. theologicus (see prec.) + -ālis, -al1: see -ical.]
1. Of or pertaining to the word of God, i.e. the Bible; scriptural: cf. theology 2; in theological virtues [virtutes theologicæ, Albertus Magnus], applied to faith, hope, and charity (1 Cor. xiii. 13), as distinct from the earlier four cardinal virtues of Plato and the Stoics (cf. temperance, Note).
(From the contemporary senses of theologia, this seems to have been the original meaning; but other reasons for and explanations of the name were current from Aquinas onward: see the quots.; cf. alsoc1380Wyclif De Eccl. ii. Sel. Wks. III. 340 Þes two godliche virtues [faith and hope.] The ancient pre-Christian virtues were called virtutes cardinales a.d. 379, by Ambrose Exc. Satyri i. 57.)
[1484: cf. theologal.]1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 142 The rofe yt couereth all is the theologicall vertue, hope.1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. 184 The vertues (quhilk I hawe called theological and cardinal).1607–12Bacon Ess., Goodness (Arb.) 198 Goodnes aunswares to the Theologicall vertue, Charitie, and admittes not excesse, but errour.1616Bullokar Eng. Expos., Theologicall vertues, Faith, Hope and Charity are so called, because they haue their obiect and end in God.1660R. Coke Power & Subj. 14 By Theological virtues I do not mean only those three most eminent virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity, but all those actions of obedience due to them..; to whom I owe my obedience not by any Law of Nature, but as commanded by God in the Scriptures.1875Manning Mission H. Ghost iii. 82 Faith is called a theological virtue, because it unites the soul with its Maker.1909Ottley Chr. Ideas & Ideals i. vi. 98 Faith, hope, and love are commonly called ‘theological virtues’, for reasons which Aquinas briefly enumerates. They have, he says, God for their object; they [etc.].
2. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of theology; dealing with or treating of theology.
1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 1304 The Theologicall interpretations that the Stoicks give out: for they holde, that the generative and nutritive Spirit, is Bacchus.1664Jer. Taylor Dissuas. Popery ii. i. ii. (1667) 89 It is cited..in the decrees of the Popes, and in the Theological sums of great Divines.1780Harris Philol. Enq. Wks. (1841) 541 Among their [the Arabians'] theological works, there are some upon the principles of the mystic divinity.1780Bentham Princ. Legisl. Introd. ii. §18 The theological principle; meaning that principle which professes to recur for the standard of right and wrong to the will of God.1833H. Martineau Charmed Sea i, Frederick was a theological student in the university at Wilna.1861Stanley East. Ch. i. (1869) 23 The Athanasian controversy..is, strictly speaking, theological; unlike the Pelagian or the Lutheran controversies, it relates not to man, but to God.1904Times 4 May 2/6 The abolition of all theological tests and sectarian teaching during school hours.
3. transf. In trivial or disparaging use: of, pertaining to, or characterized by dogma or abstract principles (as opposed to practical considerations); doctrinaire, academic.
1959Times Lit. Suppl. 5 June 329/4 The ‘theological’ approach to Soviet Marxism..proves in the long run unsatisfactory.1964S. Brittan Treasury Under Tories ii. vi. 196 The three Treasury ministers played straight into the Prime Minister's hands, by their theological stress on permitting no increase at all on government expenditure for the coming financial year in money terms (which meant cutting it in real terms).1964Listener 30 July 148/2 Mr Walt Rostow..referred to ‘the whole insoluble theological issue’ of control... ‘Theological’ has two senses... He was clearly using the second or vernacular meaning, which is ‘as impractical and as irrelevant to the matter in hand as the study of the nature of God’.1968Observer 28 Apr. 8/3 The doctrinal arguments which used to involve Labour in theological warfare.1979H. Kissinger White House Years xviii. 719 It was a reflection on the theological nature of our China debate that many experts still regarded the ‘solution’ of the UN issue, liturgically, as the absolute precondition of any improvement in our relations with Peking.1980Spectator 2 Feb. 5/3 The dispute..nominally involves theological distinctions between ‘News’ and ‘Current Events’.
B. n.
1. pl. The theological virtues. Obs.
1600W. Watson Decacordon (1602) 138 Three speciall principia or causes..called of Diuines the three Theologicals,..faith,..charitie,..hope.
2. pl. Theological matters or principles. Obs.
a1626W. Sclater Exp. 4th ch. Rom. Ep. Ded., The greatest patterne, and example for men to live by:..whether in your Naturalls, or in your Morals, or in your Theologicalls.1774J. Hutton in Mme. D'Arblay's Early Diary (1889) I. 303, I have found much pleasure in Madame de Maintenon's Letters (except in Theologicals and Spirituals).
3. A man trained at a theological college.
1866S. B. James Duty & Doctrine (1871) 18 University clergy are rarer, and theologicals and literates more numerous.




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