

单词 yove
释义 yove yoven, -yn, ȝove, etc., occas. yoved,
obs. pa. tense and pple. of give.
c1300Harrow. Hell (E.) 189 Y haue ȝouen my liif for þe.13..Northern Passion 130/1255 Ageyn oure law he haþ ȝoue red.1390Gower Conf. II. 192 Unto thidoles yove and granted.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 24360 Whan Iuges, for offence Han yoved hir sentence.c1460Wisdom 945 in Macro Plays 66 My wyll was full yowe to syne.1532Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) I. 344 According to your high commawndment to me youyn yesterdaye.1552Huloet, Yoven or enclined to couetousenes or crueltye.




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