

单词 ymone
释义 I. yˈmone, n. Obs.
[OE. ᵹemána: see mone n.1, mene, mean a.1]
1. Companionship, fellowship.
c888ælfred Boeth. v. §1 Þonne wære he mid his aȝnum cynne..þonne he wæs on ðara ryhtwisena ᵹemanan.a1175Cott. Hom. 245 For ðan þe se helende underfeng þa sinfullan, and ham mid imone hafede.c1205Lay. 21308 Þeh þe wulf beon ane buten ælc imane [c 1275 one..imone].c1260K. Horn (Camb. MS.) 834 Sire, ischal al one Wiþute more ymone..Bringe hem þre to deþe.
2. Sexual intercourse.
c950Lindisf. Gosp. Mark xii. 25 rubric, Ne ceorl hæfis wifes ᵹemana.c1275Wom. Samaria 32 in O.E. Misc. 85 Nabbe ich of wepmonne nones kunnes y-mone.c1275Annunc. Virg. 10 ibid. 100 Hw myhte hit iwurþe þat ich were myd childe, Monnes imone on me ne may nomon fynde.c1275Lay. 25916 Ne mihte þat maide his imone [c 1205 mone] þolie.c1315Shoreham v. 28 Hy wyþ-oute mannes ymone In body,..to manne hyne broute.
3. A companion. (? A scribal error.)
a1300K. Horn (Harl. MS.) 530 He nolde gon is one, Athulf wes hys ymone [Camb. MS. mone].
II. ymone, a. and adv. Obs.
[Alteration of imene a. and adv. after ymone n.]
A. adj. Common, shared by two or more.
1205Lay. 978 Ȝif we sceoteð to heora mæðe, þat bið ure imone deað.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 6359 He..sede, hail þou be King one. Se nis it noȝt, quaþ þe King, uor mi Kinedom is ymone.
B. adv. Together.
c1300St. Brandan 380 Anon so hi seȝe the monekes come, hi gonne to singe ymone.c1380Sir Ferumb. 99 If þat on of hem ne dar him self wiþ me fiȝte al one Send hem boþe on þyn helf to fiȝte wiþ me ymone.




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