

单词 life-style
释义 ˈlife-style
[f. life n. + style n. 24.]
a. A term originally used by Alfred Adler (1870–1937) to denote a person's basic character as established early in childhood which governs his reactions and behaviour.
b. gen. A way or style of living.
[1929A. Adler Probl. Neurosis i. 7 The style of life is founded in the first four or five years of childhood.] Ibid. 8 This fragment of memory records the two typical motives of the main life-style.1939H. Orgler Alfred Adler i. 35 We have only really understood an individual when we have revealed the unitary life-style behind this ostensible duplicity.1946‘G. Orwell’ Crit. Ess. 137 True to his life style, Koestler was..promptly arrested and interned by the Daladier Government.1947M. McLuhan in Sewanee Rev. LV. ii. 80 While ostensibly setting about the freeing of the slaves, they became enslaved, and found in the wailing self-pity and crooning of the Negro the substitute for any life-style of their own.1950Cole & Bruce Educational Psychol. i. 2 The teacher is confronted with such unique individuals, already shaped into recognizable life styles.1952M. Mackenzie Contrast Psychol. p. iii, The Freudian believes that the unconscious conflict, underlying an Anxiety State, springs from frustrated ‘sexuality’; the Adlerian from an obstructed ‘life style’.1961Guardian 22 Mar. 10/5 The mass-media..continually tell their audience what life-styles are ‘modern’ and ‘smart’.1972Jrnl. Social Psychol. LXXXVI. 121 When a man's life style is incongruent with the demands of a task he must perform he will experience stress.1972M. Mead Blackberry Winter vii. 82 But in other ways those years in Bucks County gave me a view of a much earlier life-style, one that corresponded with my grandmother's girlhood.1973T. Tobin in Ade Lett. 7 His commercial successes in the theater enabled him to become financially independent, and Ade chose the lifestyle with which he was most comfortable.1973Times 11 Apr. 18/4 (heading) Council of churches want freedom for students to create their own life-styles.

Add: Also life-style. c. attrib. Of or relating to a particular way of living; spec. in Marketing, designed to appeal to a consumer by depicting a product in the context of a particular lifestyle.
1976Carn Feb. 20/2 In the more important lifestyle area, big changes have to be made in people conditioned from the cradle to consume more.1977Washington Post 7 Oct. e2/4 Instead of showing women's clothes with other women's clothes, the new gift catalog uses what Penney's calls ‘life style merchandising’, like scenes of families having fun outdoors in which everything but the snow can be ordered from Penney's.1981Event 9 Oct. 28/4 Lifestyle merchandising,..clothing departments arranged by life image rather than product groups.1987Fulham Times 2 Oct. 9/4 The first floor will comprise ‘lifestyle’ goods such as lighting, glassware, china and soft furnishings.1988Creative Rev. Jan. 3/2 Where will creatives go for an idea beyond lifestyle marketing?1990M & M Sept. 51 (Advt.), Al Fares is the only serious upmarket lifestyle magazine in the Middle East.1992New Age Jrnl. Feb. 70/3 This information may well lead to some lifestyle decisions or result in our becoming involved in the EMF issue.

lifestyle drug n. a drug prescribed to treat a condition that is not necessarily serious or life-threatening but that has a significant impact on the quality of life.
1982Washington Post (Nexis) 29 Dec. b5 Among other topics already covered: ‘America in the '80s’ (politics, economy, diplomacy) and ‘Psychologists Face the Society of the '80s’ (everything from the impact of *‘life style’ drugs to coping with life crises in an unsettled world).1999Internat. Herald Tribune (Neuilly-sur-Seine) (Nexis) 5 Jan. 16 Many of the hot new remedies last year, notably Viagra and Detrol, a..pill for incontinence, were so-called lifestyle drugs, designed to relieve afflictions that damage self-esteem.2002R. Porter Blood & Guts iv. 96 Launched in 1959, the Pill was the first ever fully effective contraceptive, and it pointed to a new era of lifestyle drugs: ones designed not to counter sickness but to improve living itself. Viagra (1998) for treating male impotence is another.




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