

单词 wonted
释义 wonted, pa. pple. and ppl. a.
(ˈwəʊntɪd; also (now chiefly U.S.) ˈwʌntɪd)
[Either f. wont n. + -ed, or an extension of wont pa. pple., apprehended later as pa. pple. of wont v.]
A. pa. pple.
1. = wont pa. pple. 2. Obs.
a1413Chaucer's Troylus v. 277 (Campsall MS.) And whiten gan the Orisonte shene Al Estward as it wonted is to done [v.rr. Al Esturwarde as it wonte is to done; Al est⁓ward as it was wone to done].c1450Lovelich Merlin 6779 Lo, Sire, Merlyne Js comen to ȝow here, That ȝe Weren Wonted to loven so Wel.1557T. Phaer æneid. v. (1558) N ij b, Syr Erix wonted was to giue combat.1566Acts Privy Counc. Irel. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) 152 Omagher to contribute to Occarrall, as hath been wonted, the thirde parte of the said bonnaght.1583T. Stocker Civ. Warres Lowe C. i. 15 A great Image..which was wonted to be set vp.1606G. W[oodcocke] Hist. Ivstine xxxii. 109 Being enticed with the sweeteness of the prey as men wonted to liue together vpon the spoile.1612R. Sheldon Serm. preached at S. Martins in the Fields 15 O theefe, wonted with violence to violate men.
2. = wont pa. pple. 1. Now U.S.
1610C. Hampton Serm. 2 He prouided..a tent, whereunto it had beene wonted.1614Sylvester Parl. Vertues Royall 1305 The Angell, wonted to Heav'n's Blisse-full Hall, Made little stay in this unholesome Stall.1637Earl of Monmouth tr. Malvezzi's Romulus & Tarquin 295 The Romanes were..accustomed to war, wonted to victory.1692R. L'Estrange Fables i. clxv. 138 She was wonted to the Place, she said, and would not Remove.1847Emerson Repr. Men, Shakespeare Wks. (Bohn) I. 364 Dramatic materials to which the people were already wonted.1851Hawthorne Ho. Sev. Gables v. (1904) 98 Hepzibah had fully satisfied herself of the impossibility of ever becoming wonted to this..obstreperous little bell.1878Scribner's Monthly XVI. 56/2 Afterward we grew wonted to their beauty.1893Harper's Mag. LXXXVI. 855/1 He became wonted to his new station.
b. absol. Made familiar with one's environment. Now U.S.
1610Markham Masterp. i. lxxvi. 159 Others vse to leade the horse to a..sheepe-pen, where great store of sheepe are wonted.1641[see wonting c].1870Lowell Study Wind. I. 14, I had crows... They grew so wonted as..to tolerate my near approach.1874Lett. II. 138, I long to get back, and yet am just beginning to get wonted (as they say of babies and new cows) over here.
B. ppl. a. Accustomed, customary, usual. Now arch. or U.S.
1408in Hakl. Voy. (1599) I. 177 According to their woonted maner.1553R. Ascham Rept. Germany A iij, Letters..full of your wonted good will towardes me.1574in Hist. Fam. Fortescue (1869) II. 234 Savage did send into the grounds, with the hounds, but the wonted boy, with 2 keepers.1576in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxford (1880) 384 The wonted streame..ys..taken awaye.1624Capt. J. Smith Virginia v. 199 It being growne past the wonted season of the comming in of ships.1671Milton P.R. iv. 449 Out of the wood he starts in wonted shape.1710Berkeley Princ. Hum. Knowl. §3 Wks. 1871 I. 138 The wonted indulgent methods of Providence.1750Gray Elegy 92 E'en in our Ashes live their wonted Fires.1823Scott Quentin D. xxvi, The King.., in a threadbare cloak, with his wonted old high-crowned hat stuck full of images.1848Lowell Fable for Critics lii, Archæologians..Have tried to make out, with a zeal more than wonted, 'T was a kind of wild swine that our ancestors hunted.1850Tennyson In Mem. ci. 22 As year by year the labourer tills His wonted glebe.1860Maury Phys. Geog. xii. §539. 299 Which obstructions may prevent the winds from taking up..their wonted supplies of moisture.
absol.1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. III. v. i, The Wonted tumbles down; by imitation, by invention, the Unwonted hastily builds itself up.




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