

单词 whoremaster
释义 whoremaster|ˈhɔəˌmɑːstə(r)|
[f. whore n. + master n.]
1. = next.
a1508Dunbar Tua Mariit Wemen 168 My husband wes a hur maister... He has bene waistit apon wemen..And in adultre.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, ii. iv. 516 That hee is (sauing your reuerence) a Whore-master, that I vtterly deny.1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God 188 The stage-plaiers act..Iove for the veriest whore-maister in the world.1712Addison Spect. No. 446 ⁋7 Our ordinary Poets cannot frame to themselves the Idea of a fine Man who is not a Whore-master.1747Chesterfield Let. to Son 27 Mar., A Man of Pleasure, in the vulgar acceptation of that phrase, means only, a beastly drunkard, an abandoned whore-master, and a profligate swearer.1769Blackstone Comm. IV. xviii. 253 A justice may bind over all night-walkers; eaves⁓droppers;..common drunkards; whoremasters; the putative fathers of bastards;..and other persons, whose misbehaviour may reasonably bring them within the general words of the statute, as persons not of good fame.
attrib.c1570Depos. Durham (Surtees) 264 Cauling this examinate hooremaster preiste.1605Shakes. Lear i. ii. 137 An admirable euasion of Whore-master-man, to lay his Goatish disposition to the charge of a Starre.1614B. Jonson Barth. Fair v. iv, You whore-master knaue.1878Prodigal Son vi. in Simpson Sch. Shaks. II. 119 Shall I..be merry because my whoremaster brother is come back?
2. spec. A procurer or pimp.
1864in Webster.1922E. E. Cummings Enormous Room vii. 163 Now I must tell you what happened to the poor Spanish Whoremaster.1964in Hamblett & Deverson Generation X 94 Johnny knew just when to corrupt and when to give the old ego a boost. He's one of the great whoremasters of all time, working on the principle of the carrot and the stick.1977M. T. Bloom 13th Man (1978) vii. 133 The newcomers had little money and..they got tempted by the whoremasters.
Hence ˈwhoreˌmasterly a., having the character of a whoremaster, lecherous; ˈwhoreˌmastery, the practice of a whoremaster, fornication.
1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. v. iv. 7 That Greekish *whore⁓maisterly villaine.1706E. Baynard Cold Baths ii. (ed. 2) 96 The vile and wicked whore-masterly Husband.
1618N. Field Amends for Ladies v. i, A great hurt to the art of *whore⁓mastry.




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