释义 |
▪ I. wharve, n.|hwɔːv| Forms: 1 hweorfa, 5–7 wherve, (5, 7, 9 warve, 9 warf), 9 wharve. [OE. hweorfa = OHG. werbo, werfo wk. masc., werbâ wk. fem. rotating object, whirl, vortex:—*χwerƀon, f. χwerƀ-, as in OE. hweorfan, Goth. hwairban (see next).] The whorl of a spindle.
c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 310 Wið ceoc adle, nim þone hweorfan þe wif mid spinnað. 14..Lat.-Eng. Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 618/46 Vertebrum, a wherve, or a reele. 14..Metr. Voc. ibid. 627 Colus cum fuso uertebrum [glossed warve, misprinted warbe] filum, alabrumque. 1538Elyot, Spondilus, a wherue, whyche is a rounde thynge of stone, or wodde, or leadde, put on a spyndell to make it runne rounde. 1582Stanyhurst æneis, etc. 95 Three wheru's [orig. radios] fyerd glystring, with Soutwynds rufflered huffling. 1590P. Barrough Meth. Phisick v. xxiv. (1596) 339 He did lay and bind vnto Ganglium, a thick round peece of lead like vnto a wherue. 1601Holland Pliny xi. xxiv. I. 323 So fine..a thread she [sc. the spider] spinnes, hanging thereunto her selfe, and using the weight of her owne bodie in stead of a wherve. 1688Holme Armoury iii. xxi. (Roxb.) 266/2 The Warve or small Pullas. a1693Urquhart's Rabelais iii. xxviii. 237 Wouldst thou..blunt the Spindles, joynt the Wherves, slander the Spinning Quills,..of the weer'd Sister Parques? 1805in Abridgm. Specif. Patents Spinning (1866) 125 The making the haft or warf at times to shift or remove from off the spindle. 1831Ibid. 236 The warve is driven by a band passing round it and round the spindle drum. 1884W. S. B. McLaren Spinning (ed. 2) 171 The wharve, b, together with sliding tube, c, runs loosely on the spindle and carries the bobbin. ▪ II. † wharve, v. Obs. Forms: 1 hwearfian, hweorfan, hwierfan, hwerfan, hwyrfan, 2 hwærfan, 3 whærfen, whæruen, weruen, hwarefen, warfen, (Orm.) wharrfenn. [Three (for the most part) synonymous vbs. existed in OE.: (1) hweorfan = OFris. hwerva to turn, OS. hwerƀan to turn, change (MLG. werven to be active or busy, gain, obtain), OHG. hwerban, hwerfan (MHG. werben, werfen) to be active, turn, return, set or be in motion, ON. hverfa to turn, return, disappear, Goth. hwairban to go; (2) hwearfian = OS. hwarƀôn, OHG. warbôn, warpôn to wander, proceed, ON. hvarfa to turn round, wander, Goth. hwarbôn; (3) hwierfan, hwirfan, etc. = OS. gihwerƀian to turn, change, OHG. hwarban, hwerban (MHG. werben) to turn, roll, return, giwerben to turn, divert, ON. hverfa to cause to turn: all f. χwerƀ-: χwarƀ- to turn (cf. prec. and wharf n.1, n.2).] 1. trans. To change, turn. Cf. blindwharved.
c897ælfred Gregory's Past. C. xxxvi. 256 He hwierfde his stemne nalles his mod. c1200Ormin 13289 & forrþi wass he wurrþ þatt Crist Hiss name himm shollde wharrfenn. Ibid. 14137 Forr þatt he wollde..þurrh þe ȝife off Haliȝ Gast Uss wharrfenn all fra sinne. c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 173 Gief hie wunienge hwarefeð, hie turneð fram iuele to werse. c1205Lay. 6319 Alfred..whærfde hire nome on his dæȝe and cleopede heo Mærcene laȝe. Ibid. 30738 Wið him warfte Brien al his iweden. [13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 2220 He rusched on þat rurde,..& wyth quettyng a-wharf, er he wolde lyȝt.] 2. intr. To turn, revolve.
c888ælfred Boeth. xxxix. §3 Þære eaxe þe eall þes rodor on hwerfð. c1200Ormin 3641 All þiss middellærdess þing Aȝȝ turrneþþ her & wharrfeþþ..swa summ þe wheol. 3. To roam, wander.
c890Wærferth tr. Gregory's Dial. iv. lix. (1900) 347 Swa oft swa he wæs hwearfiende mid þam ilcan scipe. c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 87 He wandrede wide weruende longe sechende him. c1205Lay. 31680 Eiðer freten oðer, swa hund deð his broðer, and leten heore whelpes whæruen heom bi-sides elc oðer quelle. 4. To proceed, turn out, happen.
c888ælfred Boeth. iv, Ᵹif seo wyrd swa hweorfan mot on yfelra manna ᵹewill. c1200Ormin 8420 Swa shall itt tanne wharrfenn Bitwenenn Cristess hallȝhe þeod & deofless laþe genge. Hence † wharfed (wherrfedd, warrfedd) ppl. a., perverse; whence † ˈwharfedlaik, perversity, error.
c1200Ormin 9721 Forrþi þatt wherrfedd follc hemm hallt Forr gode & forr rihhtwise. Ibid. 9825 & tatt wass mikell wherrfeddleȝȝc Þatt dide hemm swa to wenenn. ▪ III. wharve(s see wharf n.1 |