

单词 wered
释义 wered Obs.
Forms: α. 1 werud, -od (2 wærod), 1–3 wered; 1 weorod, 1, 3 weored; 1 north. uorud, 3 wored. β. 2–3 werd, 3 word, 3–4 wird, 4 weird.
[OE. werod, weorod, etc., without parallels in the cognate languages.]
A band, troop, company, host.
αc725Corpus Gloss. (Hessels) A 407 Agmen, weorod.971Blickl. Hom. 131 Ac se heaþrym þæs Godes hades þæm englicum weorodum simle ondweard wæs.c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. xiii. 34 Ealle þas þing se hælend spræc mid biᵹ-spellum to þam weredum.Ibid. Mark xv. 16 Hi to-somne eall werod clypedon.c1205Lay. 2598 He bi-com..vppen ane weorede of wlfan awedde.a1225Ancr. R. 30 Ase þer beoð niene englene ordres [MSS. B, C weoredes].a1240Ureisun in Cott. Hom. 195 Al englene were[d] and alle holie þing Siggeð and singeð þet tu ert liues welsprung.
Comb.c1205Lay. 509 Ȝif he heom mihte bi-winnen mid his wored strencðe.
βc1160Hatton Gosp. Luke vi. 17 He stod on feldlicere stowe & micel werd hys leorningcnihte.a1225St. Marher. 22 Hali is..þe lauerd of heouene riche wordes.c1250Gen. & Ex. 1786 Als he cam ner cananeam, Engel wirð [sic] a-gen him cam.Ibid. 1790 Ðor ðis wird of engeles metten him.a1275Prov. Alfred 697 in O.E. Misc. 138 Bi ford dages he is aferd of sticke & ston in huge werd.a1300Cursor M. 20282 He þat i bar, þat bligh brid, Sal me send of heuen wird [Gött. weird].




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