

单词 well-made
释义 well-made, ppl. a.
Also 5 -makyd.
1. Of a person or animal: Well-proportioned, of good build.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 8527 Quarre he was & wel ymad vor to be strong.a1310in Wright Lyric P. 36 Heo hath a mete myddel smal, Body ant brest wel mad al.c1375Barbour Bruce i. 385 Off lymmys he wes weill maid, With banys gret & schuldrys braid.1422Yonge tr. Secreta Secret. 226 Tho men whyche haue wel-makyd and synowy and stronge legges.c1475Rauf Coilȝear 486 War he ane manly man, as he is weill maid, He war full michtie.1513More in Grafton Chron. (1568) II. 786 She was..moderate of stature, well made, & very wise.1664Pepys Diary 15 Aug., He is a comely and well-made man.1707Lond. Gaz. No. 4391/4 A bay gelt Horse..well made and well ribb'd.1783H. Cowley Bold Stroke v. (1784) 75 Let me see—a good air, and well made, you are the man for a dancer.1849C. Brontë Shirley iv, His stature was rather tall, and he was well-made and wiry.1856Kane Arctic Explor. II. xx. 204 She was a tall, well-made woman.
2. Of things: Skilfully fabricated, constructed, or contrived. Also well-made play [tr. F. pièce bien faite], a type of play written according to a prescribed formula and aiming at neatness of plot and dramatic incident rather than profundity of characterization, truth to nature, etc.
15..Dunbar Poems xxviii. 21 Ȝe tailȝouris, with weilmaid clais Can mend the werst maid man that gais.1577Googe Heresbach's Husb. i. 42 b, We content ourselues with our earthen floores, wel made and of good earth.1601Shakes. All's Well iv. iii. 254 Halfe won is match well made.1621in Foster Eng. Factories Ind. (1906) 258 Greater qua[ntities] of well-made cloth.1835Dickens Sk. Boz, Mr. Watkins Tottle i, Her complexion..was as clear as that of a well-made wax doll.1887Spons' Househ. Man. 715 A well-made toque is graceful, becoming, and comfortable. [1895G. B. Shaw in Sat. Rev. 2 Nov. 576/1 Then ‘The New Magdalen’ was a fashionable and well-made piece.]1897Daily News 5 Jan. 6/1 There has been..a very decided reaction against the ‘well-made’ novel—that is the novel cunningly planned and ingeniously conducted to a definite dénouement.1910G. B. Shaw Brieux 13 Commercially, the classic play was supplanted by a nuisance which was not a failure: to wit, the ‘well made play’ of Scribe and his school. The manufacture of well made plays is not an art: it is an industry.1962Listener 11 Oct. 574/1 The merits and the demerits of a Galsworthian ‘well-made’ play.




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