

单词 waybred
释义 waybread, waybred|ˈweɪbrɛd|
Forms: α. 1 weᵹbrádae, -brǽde, (2 weibreode, 3 wei-, 5 weybrode), 4–6 weybrede (6 -bred), 5–6 waybrede, 6–7 waybreed, 6, 9 waybread, (7 whaybred, 8 way-broad), 5– waybred (6 wabred, 6, 9 wabret, 9 waybret, wabert). β. 7 wayburne, 9 -burn; 7 waburne, 9 wabran, -bron, waveren.
[Com. WGer.: OE. weᵹbráde, weᵹbrǽde wk. fem., corresponds to OS. wegabreda, wegbrede (MLG., M.Du. wegebrede, Du. weegbree; WFris. weibré), OHG. wegabreita fem. (MHG. wegebreite, mod.G. wegebreite, wegbreite fem., weg(e)breit masc.); Da. has vejbred from LG. The word means ‘broad-leaved plant growing beside the ways’; f. way n.1 (the early continental forms have genit. pl.) + OTeut. type *braiđjōn- broad object (cf. OHG. wintbreita ‘ventilabrum’, breite flat cake). In the β-forms, occurring only with -leaf, the d of the stem has disappeared before the -n of the OE. genitive sing. in weᵹbrǽdan léaf (Leechd. I. 84, 86).]
= plantain1 1. Also water waybread = water plantain: see plantain1 2.
c700Epinal Gloss. 65 Arniglosa,..uueᵹbradae.c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 292 Ᵹenim..þa ruwan weᵹbrædan [etc.].11..Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 544/38 Plantago, weibreode.c1265Voc. Plants ibid. 558/22 Weibrode.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. cxxix. (1495) 687 Weybrede chewed easyth and clensyth swellynge gomes.c1450Alphita (Anecd. Oxon.) 14 Arnoglossa,..plantago maior idem... Anglice weybrode.c1500Gloss. 69 in Makculloch MS. (S.T.S.) 28 Hec plantago, a wabred.1538Turner Libellus, Alisma dioscoridæ,..water plantane or water waybrede.1562Herbal ii. 94 There ar two kyndes of plantayn or Waybrede, the lesse and the greater.1601Holland Pliny xxv. viii. II. 223 Themison..set forth a whole booke of the hearbe Waibread or Plantain, wherein he highly praiseth it.1657W. Coles Adam in Eden lxxvi, The generall English name is Plantaine; but that which the Greeks call Eptaneuron, we call Way-bred, because it commonly breeds by the wayside.1705tr. Cowley's Plants Wks. (1711) III. 303 Next Waybred rose..Her Nature is astringent, which great Hate Of her among Blood-letters does create.1861Mrs. Lankester Wild Flowers 109 The common name of Plantago Major is undoubtedly Way-bred (not Way-bread, as it is usually spelt), from its frequency by the way-side, seeming as if bred on the road.1866Treas. Bot., Waybread.
b. Comb.: waybread-leaf (also Sc. wayburn-leaf), sometimes used as the name of the plant.
α1599T. Cutwode Caltha Poet. (Roxb.) cxvii, And with a Wabret leafe he made a wallet.1614G. Markham Cheap & Gd. Husb. Table hard words, Plantayne..is called Whay⁓bred leafe.1803Leyden Scenes of Infancy i. 101 The wabret leaf, that by the pathway grew.
β1609in T. Craig-Brown Hist. Selkirksh. (1886) I. 180 Being demandit if she gave drinks, she answered she gave nane bot off Waburne leavis for the hart-axes.1623Sel. Rec. Presbyt. Lanark (Abbotsford Club) 1 She appoyntit thame the wayburne leaf to be eattin nyne morningis.1808Jamieson, Wabran leaves, Great Plantain or Waybread.1820Blackw. Mag. Nov. 202, I thought the grey whin was gaun frae below me—it shook like a wabron-leaf.1831W. Patrick Plants Lanark. 94 Greater Plantain... The leaves (vulgarly called the Wayburn-leaf) are spread on the ground.1914J. S. Angus Shetland Gloss. 154 Waveren leaf, plantain (Plantago major).




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