

单词 international
释义 international, a. (n.)|ɪntəˈnæʃənəl|
[inter- 4.]
A. adj.
1. a. Existing, constituted, or carried on between different nations; pertaining to the relations between nations.
1780Bentham Princ. Legisl. xvii. §25 The law may be referred to the head..of international jurisprudence. Note. The word international, it must be acknowledged, is a new one; though, it is hoped, sufficiently analogous and intelligible. It is calculated to express, in a more significant way, the branch of law which goes commonly under the name of the law of nations.1801W. Taylor in Monthly Mag. XI. 646 A Comprehensive System of Civic Morality and International Obligation.1814Scott Wav. vi, Without being aware that the payment was an international concern.1838–9Hallam Hist. Lit. II. ii. iv. §86. 173 The great science of international law, the determining authority in questions of right between independent states.1861Goschen For. Exch. 11 The first element which we have to consider in discussing the Foreign Exchanges is to be found..in international indebtedness.1861Engineer XI. 94/3 The Commissioners for the International Exhibition of 1862 propose to invite..tenders for the erection of the buildings.1872Daily News 3 Oct. 2 What was international law? It was once very happily defined in the Times as the limit of the conscience of the strongest.1888Pall Mall G. 22 June 6/2 An International yacht race was decided yesterday at Amsterdam in the North Sea.1948Written Statement U.K. 11 Dec. in I.C.J. Pleadings i. v. 25 Does the United Nations possess international personality?1959R. A. Graham Vatican Diplomacy vii. 185 After 1870... Could the papacy..be properly regarded as a member of the international community of the law of nations? This was tantamount to asking whether the papacy had ‘international personality’.1963T. Tullett Inside Interpol ii. 22 What is, in actual fact, an ‘international criminal’? The definition of this type of wrongdoer is not based on any legal concept..but simply on practical convenience.1970D. W. Greig Internat. Law iii. 73 The brief statement that an international person is an entity having the power of independent action on the international plane has the obvious advantage of including not only states, but also communities like ‘protected states’.1971Mod. Law Rev. XXXIV. vi. 599 A country may be sovereign in the sense that it satisfies the international law criteria for independent statehood and is recognized as independent by the international community.Ibid. 613 The sovereignty of the United Kingdom as an international person has been abridged..a..formidable camel for a court to swallow.1974Times 15 Feb. 14/1 Renegotiation of our membership of the European Community..will add yet another uncertainty to international relations.
b. (with capital I.) Belonging to the International Working Men's Association: see B. b.
1880Woolsey Communism & Socialism 133 The essence of the International movement was a federal association, a combination of movements in part already begun, with the social end in view of raising the operatives up over against the employers and capitalists.1881T. Kirkup in Encycl. Brit. XIII. 189/1 The International Working Men's Association, commonly called the ‘International’, was formed at London in 1864.1887Ibid. XXII. 215/1 In 1869 they founded the ‘social democratic working men's party’, and..sent representatives to the International congress at Basel.
c. Applied to various units of physical quantities (now mostly obsolete) agreed upon by different nations, and in some cases forming part of the formal name of a unit, so as to distinguish it from a unit numerically similar but differently defined; international system (of units) (usu. with capital initials) [tr. F. système international d'unités], a system of physical units (together with a set of prefixes indicating multiplication or division by a power of ten) based on the metre, kilogramme, second, ampere, kelvin, candela, and mole as independent basic units, with each of the derived units defined in terms of these without any multiplying factor.
Quot. 1932 represents an isolated and fortuitous use of international system of units, unrelated to the later Système International.
1893Electrician 29 Sept. 578/2 To distinguish these units as now defined from the definitions given by previous meetings or Congresses, they are denominated the ‘international’ ohm, the ‘international’ ampere, &c.1908Nature 29 Oct. 678/2 The international ohm is the resistance offered to an unvarying electric current by a column of mercury at the temperature of melting ice, 14·4521 grams in mass, of a constant cross-sectional area, and of a length of 106·300 centimetres.Ibid. 679/1 The difference between the ohm and the international ohm remains a matter for experiment.1909Engineering 17 Sept. 397/2 The British Committee..now have the honour to submit..that the name ‘International Candle’ be adopted.1924A. W. Smith Electr. Measurements (ed. 2) i. 3 In practical measurements the electron current is measured in international amperes.1932Phil. Mag. XIV. 292 The international system of [electrical] units differs but little from the practical system, and the two may be taken as identical for the present purpose.1934Brit. Inst. Radiol. Year Bk. 39 The International Unit of X-radiation shall be called the ‘Röntgen’.1937Discovery Sept. 285/2 Last month, the first international conference on acoustics met in Paris... Thanks in particular to the conciliatory attitude of the delegates of Germany and the United States the ‘phon’ and the ‘decibel’ become international units.1938G. P. Harnwell Princ. Electr. & Electromagn. 602 It is evident that 1 international volt is equal to 1·00043 absolute volts, 1 international joule is equal to 1·00034 absolute or mechanical joules, etc. [1957Proc.-Verb. du Comité Internat. Poids et Mesures, 1956 81 Après discussion, la Commission adopte la dénomination de ‘Système International d'Unités’.]1957Nature 21 Dec. 1388/1, 1 A. becomes, by definition, equal to 10-10 m. exactly. It may be recalled that the value λR= 6438·4696 A. was adopted as the spectroscopic reference standard in 1907 and thereby became the means of defining the international angstrom—the unit that has since served for all spectroscopic measurements of wave-length.1961Ibid. 21 Jan. 196/2 Among other scientific resolutions adopted by the Conference [sc. the eleventh General Conference of Weights and Measures] are the following... Approval of a detailed list of the international system of units (designation SI) founded on six basic units (metre, kilogram, second, ampere, degree Kelvin and candela).1967A. J. Lissaman Metrology i. 5 The U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa have agreed to adopt an international yard based upon the metre.1971P. Vigoureux Units & Standards for Electromagn. ii. 11 The hour, the day and the year, so long established and in such common use, will undoubtedly outlive the International System.
2. Special collocations: international baccalaureate: see baccalaureate 1 b; International Brigade, a body of volunteers, raised internationally by foreign Communist parties, although open to non-Communists, with the purpose of fighting for the Republic in the Spanish Civil War of 1936–39; also transf.; hence International Brigader; international code, a code of signals by which seamen of all nations can hold communication at sea; international copyright, the protection of literary and artistic property by international agreement, particularly the Berne Convention of 1885, which led to the foundation of the International Copyright Union, and the Universal Copyright Convention of 1952; International Court of Justice, a judicial court of the United Nations which replaced the Cour Permanente de Justice in 1945; international date-line, the date-line (see date n.2 8) in the Pacific Ocean; international driving licence, permit, a licence allowing the holder to drive a specified class of vehicle in foreign countries; international Gothic, name given to a style of Gothic art which spread across western Europe in the late 14th and early 15th centuries; also called international style; International Monetary Fund, an organization having a monetary pool on which member nations can draw, established in 1945 to promote international trade and stabilization of currencies; international orange, a bright orange colour, visible from a great distance; International Phonetic Alphabet, a set of phonetic symbols for international use, introduced in the late 19th century by the International Phonetic Association: constructed on the basis of the Roman and Greek alphabets with the addition of some special symbols and diacritical marks; international style, name given to a naturalistic style of twentieth-century architecture associated esp. with Walter Gropius (1883–1969) and his associates; also (rare) = international Gothic; international unit, (a) Physics (see sense A. c above); (b) Biol. and Med., a unit of activity or potency of sera, hormones, vitamins, etc., defined individually for each substance in terms of the activity of a standard quantity or preparation.
1937‘G. Orwell’ Let. 9 May in Coll. Ess. (1968) I. 267 Owing partly to an accident I joined the POUM militia instead of the International Brigade, which..meant that I have never seen the Madrid front.1968K. Martin Editor x. 214 The International Brigade..came from every part of Europe and America.1968N.Y. Rev. Books 11 Apr. 42/3 Genuine American patriots must..work for the downfall of American imperialism even if this means joining international brigades should the Vietnamese request them.1972N.Y. Times 3 Nov. 2/2 Well-known as a writer, Mr. Popovic studied philosophy in Paris before World War II and later fought in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War.
1949Koestler Promise & Fulfilment vi. 57 This same argument..has served the Soviet Government as a constant pretext for refusing to admit..International Brigaders..into Soviet territory.
1885H. Paasch From Keel to Truck 161/1 Signal,..international code of signals.1961F. H. Burgess Dict. Sailing 121 International code of signals, the system of signals adopted for use between ships and shore stations of all nations, with simplicity of use in coding and decoding in any language.
1838Act 1 & 2 Vict. c. 59 An act for securing to Authors, in certain Cases, the Benefit of International Copyright.1844Act 7 & 8 Vict. c. 12. §1 Which Act [sc. 1 & 2 Vict. c. 59] is herein-after, for the sake of Perspicuity, designated as ‘the International Copyright Act’.1894in H. Paasch From Keel to Truck (ed. 2) (title-page), Protected by International Copyright.1901Empire Rev. May 364 A book is subject to national copyright..and also to international copyright in the several countries admitting that right.1942Times Lit. Suppl. 14 Nov. 559/3 The last International Copyright Convention, signed at Berne in 1908, afforded a very considerable degree of protection to the literary and artistic property belonging to the nationals of those countries which signed it.1971E. P. Skone James Copinger & Skone James on Copyright (ed. 11) xxiv. 435 International copyright is concerned with treaties or conventions between nations requiring their signatories to respect, in their own countries, the copyright of nationals of other signatories.
1945Times 10 Sept. 2/5 The nomination of candidates to the posts of Judge of the International Court of Justice.1972Mod. Law Rev. XXXV. i. 52 In the North Sea Continental Shelf Cases the International Court of Justice had the opportunity of considering this phenomenon.1973Times 15 May 6/4 Mr van der Stoel is in favour of increasing the powers of the International Court of Justice at The Hague so that countries which accept its jurisdiction in principle cannot, as Iceland has done recently and France now threatens to do, disregard the court's competence to judge a case which may turn out wrongly for them.
1910Encycl. Brit. II. 134/1 The so-called ‘International Date Line’..is..practically only due to American initiative.1957Von Engeln & Netschert Gen. Geogr. iv. 71/2 The international date line does not coincide with 180° meridian.. but zigzags to give portions of the same political territories the same date.1966Mrs. L. B. Johnson White House Diary 2 Nov. (1970) 453 Sometime in the dark hours over the Pacific we had crossed the International Dateline.
1931Automobile Assoc. Foreign Touring Guide 19 The International Driving Permit acts as a driving licence in all the countries recognising the International Certificate for Motor Vehicles.1966R. E. Pickering Himself Again x. 67 Do you have an international driving licence?1966A. A. Randall Flashpoint ii. 41 The two men book a passage on the Car Sleeper Express from Boulogne to Narbonne... You bring the Car Temporary Exportation Certificate, International Driving Permits and Insurance Green Card.
1951M. Davies Nat. Gallery Catal. Earlier Italian Schools 280 They [sc. works by Master of the Bambino Vispo] are somewhat related to Lorenzo Monaco in style, and are even more markedly in the ‘International Gothic’ current.1959P. & L. Murray Dict. Art & Artists 199 Masolino may have worked under Ghiberti on the First Baptistry Doors..and this would explain his normal International Gothic style.1961H. E. Scott tr. Chiarelli's European Painting 15th Cent. 10 In international Gothic painting there is a contrast between a growing interest in naturalism..and..a transference of natural forms into abstract figures which are frankly decorative and heraldic.1970Oxf. Compan. Art 584/1 International Gothic..first distinguished by Louis Courajod in 1892.Ibid. 584/2 International Gothic was nurtured in the cosmopolitan courts of France and Burgundy from the soil of the French aristocratic court style.
1944H. Morgenthau in U.N. Monetary & Financial Conference p. iii, The International Monetary Fund agreed upon at Bretton Woods will help remedy this situation [sc. economic tactics which contribute to world-wide depression and war].1955Times 4 July 13/4 The International Monetary Fund has agreed to a change in the par value of the Nicaraguan cordoba from five to seven a United States dollar.1957Economist 21 Dec. 1075/2 The British Government this week decided to extend for 12 months its $738,530,000 standby credit with the International Monetary Fund.
1936Proc. IRE XXIV. 28 Skeleton towers should be painted throughout their height with..alternate bands of chrome yellow or international orange.1958Colour Index (Soc. Dyers & Colourists) (ed. 2) IV. 4323 International Orange 2221... C.I. Pigment Orange 21.1967‘G. Carr’ Lewker in Tirol vi. 85 The cagoule is in the colour we call ‘international orange’{ddd}It is the colour that can best be seen from a distance, so that climbers in difficulties can quickly be found and rescued.1969New Yorker 12 Apr. 110/3 The dial is coated with a luminous orange paint called International Orange, a psychedelic color that is glaringly visible against the milky-white experiment.
1898Mod. Q. Lang. & Lit. I. i. 69/2 It is of the utmost importance that, for the more advanced students of languages, we should adopt an international phonetic alphabet.1912Princ. Internat. Phonetic Assoc. 1 In 1888, after consulting the opinion of its members, the Association drew up an International Phonetic Alphabet, by means of which the pronunciation of any language may be accurately represented.1962A. C. Gimson Introd. Pronunc. Eng. iv. 35 The International Phonetic Alphabet..provides symbols to denote the sound types occurring in languages.1964J. Downing Initial Teaching Alphabet p. ix, Some educational reformers..favour an alternative type of ‘rational orthography’ or ‘systematized notation’ such as the International Phonetic Alphabet.
1932Hitchcock & Johnson Internat. Style i. 20 There is, first, a new conception of architecture as volume rather than mass. Secondly, regularity rather than axial symmetry serves as the chief means of ordering design. These two principles, with a third proscribing arbitrary applied decoration, mark the productions of the international style.1937Archit. Rev. LXXXI. 133/2 This natural phenomenon, specifically variegated in each of these regions, constitutes a severe impediment in considering the rational mode of design as quickly resulting in a so-called ‘International Style’.1937Time 8 Feb. 32/1 Walter Gropius, one of the founders of the concrete-pipe-and-plate-glass school of architectural modernism known as the ‘International Style’.1950E. H. Gombrich Story of Art xiii. 178 Until round about 1400, art in different parts of Europe had developed on similar lines... The style of the Gothic painters and sculptors of that period is known as the International Style.
1922Internat. Conf. Standardisation of Sera & Serological Tests 1921 (League of Nations) 6 The Sub-Committee for investigating methods for testing the potency of anti-diphtheritic and anti-tetanic sera considers it both possible and desirable to fix for both these sera an antitoxin unit which could be generally accepted and acknowledged as an International Unit.1944L. E. H. Whitby Med. Bacteriol. (ed. 4) xxv. 234 Staphylococcus: an ‘international unit’ is the specific antitoxic activity contained in 0·5 mg. of dry standard serum preserved at the National Institute of Medical Research, London.1961Brit. Med. Dict. 1500/2 International unit of male hormone, the specific activity contained in 0·1 milligram of pure androsterone... International unit of vitamin C, the antiscorbutic activity contained in 0·05 mg. of pure ascorbic acid.1970Daily Tel. 12 Oct. 3/2 The Medical Research Council now requires that all influenza vaccines should contain 600 of the new international units of virus to each human dose.
B. n.
a. A person belonging to two different nations (e.g. native of one and resident in another). Also, one who takes part in an international contest; the contest itself.
1870Pall Mall G. 8 Dec. 12 The bitterness against the neutrals is fearful, and will make the social position of all internationals very painful.1890North British Daily Mail 7 Apr. 6/6 Their goal was again and again besieged in a way never before seen at the close of an international.1895Westm. Gaz. 7 Feb. 7/2 He has already taken part in eight international matches. This does not, of course, compare with the record of several other internationals.1905A. Conan Doyle Return of Sherlock Holmes 330 The defeat of the Light Blues may be entirely attributed to the unfortunate absence of the crack International, Godfrey Staunton, whose want was felt at every instant of the game.1942R.A.F. Jrnl. 30 May 33 It was like..Wembley or Hampden Park after an international.1959Times 21 Sept. 3/6 The British Lions were given but a faint hope of defeating the world champion All Blacks in the fourth and final international of their tour at Eden Park yesterday.1971Leader (Durban) 7 May 1/2 Efforts were being made for the Mauritian team to play a series of games including ‘internationals’ against South African Indian, Coloured and African elevens.1973Times 7 Feb. 15/4 It is no wonder, she feels, that so many former internationals never stay on in the sport.
b. (with capital I; also Internationale) = International Working Men's Association; spec. First International, founded in London by Karl Marx in 1864 for promoting the joint political action of working classes in all countries, and dissolved in Philadelphia in 1876; Second International, an organization founded in Paris in 1889 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution; Third International, founded at Moscow in 1919 by delegates from twelve countries to promote communism and support the Russian Revolution, and dissolved in 1943; also called Communist International (abbrev. Comintern); Fourth International, founded in 1936 by followers of Trotsky. Also, a member or adherent of any of these; cf. A. 1 b.
1871Observer 9 Apr. 6/4 Most of the decrees are the work of illiterate members of the Internationale; they consist of candid attacks on the rights of property,..such as you may expect from vulgar Socialists.1871G. M. Hopkins Let. 2 Aug. (1935) 27, I feel inclined to begin by asking whether you are secretary to the International... I am always thinking about the Communist future.1872Mrs. E. Lynn Linton Joshua Davidson 153 In the International and in other political societies which abound among the working men.1887T. Kirkup in Encycl. Brit. XXII. 214/1 Of the International Marx was the inspiring and controlling head from the beginning.1919Communist International [see communist 1 b].1919G. B. Shaw Matter with Ireland (1962) 193 The number of branches of The International formed in France in the 1860s by the police agents of Napoleon III must have filled the Castle with envy.1920B. Russell Pract. & Theory Bolshevism 6, I do not believe that the methods of the Third International can lead to the desired goal.1935C. Isherwood Mr. Norris changes Trains vi. 89 My association with..the representatives of the Third International..have even excited favourable comment in certain quarters in Moscow.1937E. Snow Red Star over China iv. 154 In 1920, M. Martin, an energetic and persuasive representative of the Third International..came to Shanghai.1950Theimer & Campbell Encycl. World Politics 430/1 Trotsky's adherents in a number of countries, recruited from discontented left-wing communists, tried to found a Fourth International.Ibid. 430/2 The Fourth International, a shadowy organization which held conferences in Paris in 1936 and 1948.1951W. Pickles in Political Q. XXII. 335 June 30th, 1951..was the fourth occasion in less than 100 years on which a Socialist International has been founded..and the longest-lived of these ancestors, the Second International of 1889, survived for only 25 years.1959Chambers's Encycl. VII. 684/1 The first International spread rapidly, sections being founded in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and other countries.1967N. McInnes in R. P. Arnot et al. Impact Russ. Revolution 85 The Communist International having been disbanded by Stalin in 1943, the only socialist international in existence was the Fourth, demonstrating again that Trotskyism was the last refuge of several of socialism's discarded illusions.1968K. Martin Editor xi. 234 ‘I tell you,’ he [sc. Trotsky in 1937] said, ‘that in three to five years from now the Fourth International will be a great force in the world.’1969Listener 27 Mar. 429/1 If the ILP had joined the Communist International, as its French and German equivalents did, and as the Scottish divisional council wanted it to, a powerful Communist Party might have come into existence on British soil.1972Guardian 10 Mar. 3/2 The Fourth International (FI) arose after the disintegration under Stalin of the Third International.
c. pl. International bonds.
1909Westm. Gaz. 17 Sept. 12/2 Internationals featureless.
d. The International = next.
1912Songs for Socialists (Fabian Soc.) 2 The International.1928A. Huxley Point Counter Point xxiii. 413 Organized singing of the International.

international community n. (usu. with the) the countries of the world, or a particular group among them, regarded as forming a community, esp. one sharing a common interest or opinion.
1894G. B. Adams Civilization during Middle Ages xi. 270 Christendom, as a great *international community which had never entirely ceased to exist since the days of Roman unity, had come to a clearer consciousness of itself.1900N. Amer. Rev. Mar. 314 She has..a particular right and duty—as distinguished from those general rights which all nations possess as members of the international community.1959R. A. Graham Vatican Diplomacy vii. 185 After 1870..could the papacy..be properly regarded as a member of the international community of the law of nations?2002India Weekly 2 Aug. 10/1 No amount of talk on Africa's projected renaissance is going to make one cubit of difference if the deeds on the ground do not match their intent. The international community, which is shorthand for the West, is gearing up for action.




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