

单词 interlude
释义 I. interlude, n.|ˈɪntəl(j)uːd|
Forms: 4–7 enterlude, (4 entirlodie, entyrlude, 5 -lute), 5– interlude, (6 -lud).
[ad. med. (Anglo-)Lat. interlūdium (Du Cange), f. inter- (inter- 2) + lūdus play, possibly after an AF. *entrelude.]
1. A dramatic or mimic representation, usually of a light or humorous character, such as was commonly introduced between the acts of the long mystery-plays or moralities, or exhibited as part of an elaborate entertainment; hence (in ordinary 17–18th c. use) a stage-play, esp. of a popular nature, a comedy, a farce. Now (after Collier; see quot. 1831) applied as a specific name to the earliest form of the modern drama, as represented by the plays of J. Heywood.
1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 8993 Entyrludes or syngynge, Or tabure bete or oþer pypynge.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 472 Wel bycommes such craft vpon cristmasse, Laykyng of enterludez, to laȝe & to syng.1494Fabyan Chron. vi. clxxii. 167 He dyd on hym y⊇ abyt of a mynstrell, & with his instrument of musyke he entred the tentes.. of the Danys..shewynge there his enterludes and songes.1501Douglas Pal. Hon. ii. 410 At eis thay eit with interludis betwene.a1553Udall Royster D. Prol. (Arb.) 10 Our Comedie or Enterlude, which we intende to play, Is named Royster Doyster in deede.1588Marprel. Epist. (Arb.) 11 Your first book was a proper Enterlude, called Gammar Gurtons needle.1619Dalton Countrey Just. xxiii. (1630) 63 There shall be no..Enterludes Common Plays or other unlawful exercises of pastimes.a1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. iv. viii. 361 As the inconsiderate part of Mankind please themselves with beholding of Interludes, or Cock⁓fighting, or Bear-baiting.1759Franklin Ess. Wks. 1840 III. 491 Thus, harlequin-like, he could play contrary parts in the same interlude.1831J. P. Collier Hist. Dram. Poetry II. 384 John Heywood's dramatic productions..are neither Miracle-plays nor Moral-plays, but what may be properly and strictly called Interludes.1865T. Wright Hist. Caricat. xvi. (1875) 277 The word interlude remained long in our language as applied to such short and simple dramatic pieces as we may suppose to have formed the drolleries of the mysteries.1887Lowell Old Eng. Dram. (1892) 5 The Interludes may have served as training-schools for actors.
b. transf. or fig. Any performance or action compared to a play. Obs.
1375Barbour Bruce x. 145 Now may ȝe heir..Interludys and Iuperdys, Þat men assayit on mony vis Castellis and pelis for till ta.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 437 b, He suppeth out of the Challice: in such wise nevertheles as that not so much as a croome of this supper, or apish Enterlude rather, cann come to the peoples share.1641Milton Reform. i. (1851) 6 Sencelesse Ceremonies which wee onely retaine.. as an Enterlude to set out the pompe of Prelatisme.1651N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. ii. xxxvii. (1739) 167 He did no more than shape a Garment to serve the present Interlude, neither fit to the body, nor easy to be worn.
2. An interval in the performance of a play; the pause between the acts, or the means (dramatic or musical) employed to fill this up. Also fig.
1660Willsford Scales Comm. Pref. A v, A Tragedy of Cares, or a Comedy of Errours,..; yet Penury in the Interludes often provokes noble minds to act ignoble things.1700Dryden Cock & Fox 325 Dreams are but interludes which fancy makes; When monarch reason sleeps, this mimic wakes.1717Berkeley Jrnl. Tour Italy 25 Jan., Wks. 1871 IV. 535 We went to see a play, with interludes of music.1828Carlyle Misc., Goethe's Helena (1872) I. 169 Such is Helena, the interlude in Faust.1829Longfellow in Life (1891) I. 169 It seems more like an interlude in the drama of life than a part of the play.
b. Music. An instrumental piece played between the verses of a psalm or hymn, or in the intervals of a church-service, etc.
1838Penny Cycl. XII. 507/1 Interlude, a brief piece of church music for the organ..generally produced ex tempore, and played after each stanza, except the last, of the metrical psalm.1873Hale In His Name viii. 72 The interludes which had been arranged to be played on the great organ.1880Grove's Dict. Mus. II. 7/2 A good extempore Interlude was regarded as no unfair test of an Organist's ability.
3. transf.
a. An interval in the course of some action or event; an intervening time or space of a different character or sort.
1751Johnson Rambler No. 156 ⁋10 Variegated with interludes of mirth.1802F. Burney Lett. 16 Apr., We were confined to the inn, except for the interlude of the custom-house.1865Livingstone Zambesi vii. 169 All night long it is boil and eat, roast and devour, with a few brief interludes of sleep.1890Swinburne Stud. Prose & Poetry (1894) 223 A ghastly..wilderness of salt marshes, with interludes of sterile meadow and unprofitable vineyard.
b. pl. Pieces of material of a different kind inserted at intervals.
1890Daily News 31 Jan. 6/2 A brown silk dress, made with interludes of green velvet and sleeves of velvet.
4. Comb., as interlude-maker, interlude-play, interlude-player, interlude-rimer (interlude rhymer); interlude-like adj. and adv.; interlude-wise adv.
1552Huloet, Enterlude maker, comicus. Enterlude players, ludij, ludiones.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. 118 Then Baptisme may enterludelike and in sport be ministred of boies when they plaie.Ibid. iv. xix. (1634) 729 Deacons, whom they institute onely for their enterlude-like playes.1609Holland Amm. Marcell. xxviii. iv. 342 Unto the Enterlude-rhymer.1626Bernard Isle of Man (1627) N v, As it were interlude-wise.
II. interlude, v.|ˈɪntəl(j)uːd|
[f. prec.]
a. intr. To act, perform a play (obs.).
b. intr. To come between, as an interlude.
c. trans. To interrupt, as with an interlude.
1608Middleton Mad World v. i. 27 There are certain players come to town, sir, and desire to interlude before your worship.1830Lamb Album Verses, Album Lucy Barton, Blameless wit..Sometimes mildly interluding Amid strains of graver measure.1887Harper's Mag. LXXV. 583 Their conversation was interluded with snatches of songs.
Hence interluding vbl. n., acting, stage-playing. Also interluder, a player in an interlude.
1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. 15 Iesting, interluding, and stage representations.1625B. Jonson Staple of N. iii. (intermean), Is 't not a fine sight, to see all our children made Enterluders?a1626Middleton Mayor of Queenborough v. i. 68 Country comedians, interluders, sir, desire..leave to enact in the town-hall.




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