

单词 inoculated
释义 I. iˈnoculated, a. Obs. rare.
[f. med. or mod.L. inoculāt-us (f. in- (in-3) + oculātus furnished with eyes) + -ed.]
Not having an ‘eye’ or perforation.
1599A. M. tr. Gabelhouer's Bk. Physicke 34/1 Inoculated Pearles, or Pearles without perforationes. [Glossed on fly-leaf ‘unholed’.]1604[see next, 1].
II. iˈnoculated, ppl. a.
[f. inoculate + -ed1.]
1. Hort. Engrafted by budding.
1604R. Cawdrey Table Alph., Inoculated, grafted, or vnholed.1662Ray Three Itin. iii. 182 The old Christmas thorn is now quite dead and gone, but they have several inoculated plants of it about the town.1679Evelyn Kal. Hort. Sept. (ed. 5) 24 Release Inoculated Buds.
2. Path.
a. Of a person, etc.: Having undergone inoculation.
b. Of a disease, etc.: Introduced by inoculation.
1722Nettleton in Phil. Trans. XXXII. 214 The Opposers of Inoculation affirm, that two Persons died of the Inoculated Small Pox.1799W. Tooke View Russian Emp. II. 161 By universal experience we find that of the inoculated only three die out of 1000.1799Med. Jrnl. I. 10 The inoculated cow-pox is as much milder than the natural, as the inoculated small-pox is milder than the natural.1873T. H. Green Introd. Pathol. (ed. 2) 229 In those [cases] in which the inoculated liquids contained fewer bacteria and were less active, the process was more protracted.
3. Metallurgy. Applied to cast iron whose properties have been improved by inoculation.
1932Proc. Inst. Brit. Foundrymen XXIV. 137 What the author says about the germ theory and inoculated irons is exceedingly interesting.1956Jrnl. Iron & Steel Inst. CLXXXIV. 89/2 The inoculated cast irons are more elastic, they have smaller damping capacities, and their electrical and magnetic properties are close to those of steels.




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