

单词 vociferation
释义 vociferation|və(ʊ)sɪfəˈreɪʃən|
Also 5 voce-, 5–6 vocyferacion, 6 -cyon, 6 vociferacion.
[a. OF. vociferacion (mod.F. vociférations pl., = Sp. vociferacion, Pg. -ação, It. -azione), or ad. L. vōciferātiōn-, vōciferātio, noun of action f. vōciferārī: see prec. and -ation.]
1. An act or instance of loud speaking or shouting; a clamour or outcry.
c1400Sc. Trojan War ii. 145 Þe vocyferacions Of the gret glawmours & þe sownes War herd in entring of þe place.1541R. Copland Galyen's Terap. 2 C ij, Ye ought to haue cure of all the body in strengthyng it with dyuers exercytacyons, testynges, and vociferacions.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 619 Howbeit, in this exercise we must beware of over-loud vociferations and clamours.1709Steele Tatler No. 54 ⁋5 When our young Heralds are exercis'd in the Faculties of making Proclamation, and other Vociferations.1750Johnson Rambler No. 18 ⁋4, I can hear the vociferations of either sex without catching any of the fire from those that utter them.1837H. Martineau Soc. Amer. II. 167 How mean and trivial are the vociferations in defence of property.1865Livingstone Zambesi xxvii. 550 Without paying any attention to his vociferations we went on.
2. The action of vociferating; the utterance of loud outcries or shouts; loud and vehement exercise of the voice.
1528Roy Rede me (Arb.) 43 With terrible vociferacion They made wonderfull exclamacion The worde of god to subverte.a1548Hall Chron., Rich. III, 29 b, The people..woulde openly crye and make vocyferacion that God dyd take vengeance.1590P. Barrough Meth. Physick iii. xxviii. (1639) 148 It is manifest that vociferation and crying out..doth greatly helpe in this evill.1650Bulwer Anthropomet. 188 Such exercises as gently dilate and extend the Breast, as shooting, vociferation, commotion of the Arms.1712Addison Spect. No. 407 ⁋2 Violent Gesture and Vociferation naturally shake the Hearts of the Ignorant.1753Hanway Trav. vii. lxxxvi. (1762) I. 400 They modulate their voices to a tone consistent with pious thoughts, without that extravagant vociferation practised in some churches.1820Scott Let. in Lockhart (1837) IV. xi. 368 The whole mob of the Middlesex blackguards..almost drive me mad with their noise and vociferation.1862Borrow Wales iv, There was plenty of vociferation, but not one single burst of eloquence.1867M. E. Herbert Cradle L. ii. 58 That wounderfully busy scene of embarkation and disembarkation, and of noisy Arab vociferation.
b. Const. of (the words uttered).
1780Johnson in Boswell (1904) II. 325 Having after some confused vociferation of ‘Hear him—hear him!’ obtained a silent attention.




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