

单词 innodate
释义 I. ˈinnodate, ppl. a. Obs.
[ad. L. innōdāt-us, pa. pple. of innōdāre: see next.]
Bound up or fastened in a knot; involved in an interdict.
1587Fleming Contn. Holinshed III. 1363/1 She being excommunicate and deposed, all that doo obeie hir are like⁓wise innodate and accurssed.
II. ˈinnodate, v. Obs.
[f. ppl. stem of L. innōdā-re to knot in, fasten with a knot, entangle, implicate, f. in- (in-2) + nōdāre to knot, f. nōdus node.]
trans. To fasten in or with a knot; spec. to include or involve in an anathema or interdict: from med.L. vinculis anathematis innodare to involve in the bonds of anathema (of frequent occurrence in Charters, Du Cange).
1635N. R. Camden's Hist. Eliz. Introd., The Prelates..fearing lest the Pope should innodate the Realme with his Interdict.Ibid. ii. an. 13. 124 Pius Quintus..secretly innodated her by his sentence of Anathema.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. ix. ii. §24 Those which from henceforth obey her are innodated with the anathema.
Hence innoˈdation vbl. n.
1731Chandler Limborch's Hist. Inquis. II. 13 Let no man dare to infringe, or..to contradict this Page of our Excommunication, Anathematization, Interdict, Innovation, Innodation.




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