

单词 innocency
释义 innocency Now somewhat rare or arch.|ˈɪnəsənsɪ|
[ad. L. innocēntia, n. of quality from innocēnt-em: see next and -ency.]
1. = prec. 1.
1357Lay Folks Catech. 17 In the state of innocency [Lamb. MS. innocence].c1440Gesta Rom. ii. xli. (1838) 405 Mankynde was fyrste [made] in the state of innocencie.1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. xxxi. §2 At the board..it very well becommeth children's innocencie to pray, and their elders to say Amen.1634W. Tirwhyt tr. Balzac's Lett. (vol. I.) 76 Our people are not contayned in their primatiue innocency.a1800J. Warton Sappho's Advice 27 In white and innocency drest, The plainest beauties were the best.1838Emerson Misc. (1855) 102 When in innocency, or when, by intellectual perception, he attains to say,—‘I love the Right!’
2. = prec. 2.
1513More in Grafton Chron. (1568) II. 785 Not suffering the Lordes to speake, and to declare their innocencie.1542–3Act 34 & 35 Hen. VIII c. 1 Persons..complained on, shalbe admitted to purge and trie..their innocency by other witnesse.1682Dryden Pref. Relig. Laici Wks. (Globe) 188 To declare their innocency in this Plot.1829Tytler Hist. Scot. (1864) III. 10 Ready..to surrender his person for the trial of his innocency.1881Swinburne Mary Stuart iii. i, Lest I seem To have aught neglected in the full defence Of mine own innocency and honour.
3. = prec. 3.
1494Fabyan Chron. v. lxxxi. 58 Vortiger thenne consyderynge the innocency and myldnesse of the kyng, cast in his mynde howe he myght be kynge hym selfe.1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 244 Suche was his childishe innocencie and feare..he was suche an ignoraunt soule, as knewe not what the affirmyng of an heresie was.1556Aurelio & Isab. (1608) G vj, Ower innocency and your grete knoleagie makethe to seeme of the liey the trueth.
4. = prec. 4.
1665Boyle Occas. Refl., Disc. Occas. Medit. iv. v, Good Thoughts..to be gather'd with as much Innocency and Pleasure..as Honey is gather'd by the industrious Bee.1732Law Serious C. iv. (ed. 2) 54 His trade, as to him, loses all its innocency.
5. = prec. 5.
1727De Foe Prot. Monast. 18 Babies, Play-Things, and other pretty Innocencies used of old.1827Pollok Course T. vii, Helpless, swaddled innocency.




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