

单词 vively
释义 ˈvively, adv. Now Sc. or Obs.
Also 5 vyvelyche; Sc. 6 uif-, vife-, viwe-, vivelie, vivly, 6–7 viuelie, -ly.
[f. vive a. + -ly2.]
1. In a lively, animated, or energetic manner; with lively action. Obs.
1471Ripley Comp. Alch. Prol. iii. in Ashm. (1652) 118 After them vyvelyche therefor thou crave.c1590J. Stewart Poems (S.T.S.) II. 11 Thow fyrie vulcane..My sensis schairpe, And viwelie tham vpsteir.1648Polexena iv. ii. 219 He..did so vively resent it, that the most of his wounds opened againe.1673O. Walker Educ. (1677) 257 Give no man just cause of offence nor resent too vively injuries towards yourself.
b. Sharply; to the quick. Obs.—1
c1590A. Hume Poems (S.T.S.) 77/318 And sick as are with wickednes bewitched, I sussie not how viuely they be tuitched.
2. Clearly, distinctly, vividly.
1537Cdl. Pole in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) I. App. lxxxii. 199 There be divers places..that cannot so vively be perceived by writing as they should be by conferring the same presently with the writer.a1564Becon Policy of War Wks. I. 125 Whom would it not animate.., seing so many goodly examples viuely described and liuishely set forth in histories before his face?1593B. Barnes Parthenophil & Parth. Sonn. xxv, If she vively Could see my sorrow's maze, which none can tread.1630B. Jonson New Inn Argt. 77 Lovel..describing the effects of Love, so vively, as she..confesseth herself enamour'd of him.1632Magn. Lady ii. [i.] vii. Chorus, If I see a thing vively presented on the stage.1663Blair Autobiog. vii. (1848) 97, I supposed the thing had been actually done, when it was so vively represented unto me.1673O. Walker Educ. 124 So Polus the Actor, that he might more vively represent the grief of a Father upon the body of his deceased Son, brought in an Urn the ashes of his own Son newly dead.1789Ross Helenore (ed. 3) 69 But gin ye like to ware the time, then ye How a' the matter stoode, shall vively see.




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