

单词 inhumanity
释义 inhumanity|ɪnhjuːˈmænɪtɪ|
[a. F. inhumanité (14th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), or ad. L. inhūmānitāt-em, n. of quality f. inhūmānus inhuman.]
1. The quality of being inhuman or inhumane; want of human feeling and compassion; brutality, barbarous cruelty.
c1477Caxton Jason 23, I shall kepe the ryght well..for to falle in suche inhumanyte or furour.1556Aurelio & Isab. (1608) L v, What inhumanite suffers that I see the liffinge..and that I lette [thee] be taken awaie to..deathe.1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 313 Hardnesse, inhumanitie, crueltie, and all kinde of barbarousnesse.1675Cocker Morals 55 T' insult, or exult over Misery, Shews baseness mixt with inhumanity.1785Burns Man was made to mourn vii, Man's inhumanity to Man Makes countless thousands mourn!1838J. Martin Rem., Serm. v. 134 Inhumanity to any animal..is manifestly inconsistent with the great law.1876M. E. Braddon J. Haggard's Dau. I. 17 ‘And you would see a fellow creature perish’, cried Haggard, horrified at this inhumanity.
b. With an and pl. An instance of this; an inhuman or cruel deed.
1647Ward Simp. Cobler 15 What an Inhumanity it is, to deprive parents of that comfort.1656Earl of Monmouth Advt. fr. Parnass. 332 All the inhumanities whereinto we have most imprudently hurryed you.1798W. Taylor in Monthly Mag. VI. 550 Despots are not always obeyed when they command inhumanities.1893Duke of Argyll Unseen Found. Society vii. 217 The grosser inhumanities of the past.
2. Want of the politeness or courtesy proper to civilized men. (Cf. humanity 3 a.) Obs.
1557F. Seager Sch. Vertue 155 in Babees Bk. 339 Thy felowes salute In token of loue, Lest of inhumanitie they shall thee reproue.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 523 It were inhumanitie in us, not to acknowledge a beholdingnesse to them.1648Eikon Bas. vii. (1824) 48 The rudenesse of those who must make up their want of justice, with inhumanity, and impudence.




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