

单词 prognostication
释义 prognostication|prɒgnɒstɪˈkeɪʃən|
Also 5–6 pron-.
[ME. a. OF. pronosticacion (14th c. in Godef. Compl.), later prognostication (Cotgr.), n. of action from med.L. prognōsticāre, prognostic v.]
1. The action or fact of prognosticating; foreshowing, foretelling; prediction, prophecy.
1490Caxton Eneydos vi. 29 In pronostycacyon righte happy of their fleeynge and voyage.1548Patten Exp. Scot. A vj b, To note the Pronosticacion and former aduertence of his future successe in this hys enterprise.1688Boyle Final Causes Nat. Things iv. 169 The prognostication of weathers that may be made in the morning by their keeping within their hives, or flying early abroad to furnish themselves with wax or honey.1711Addison Spect. No. 127 ⁋5 Others are of Opinion that it foretels Battle and Bloodshed, and believe it of the same Prognostication as the Tail of a Blazing Star.1904J. Oman Vision & Authority iv. vii. 289 Prognostication beyond the limits of our duty we should discover to be only a profitless diversion.
b. with a and pl. An act or instance of prognosticating; a foreknowledge or foretelling of something; a forecast, prediction, prophecy.
1440J. Shirley Dethe K. James (1818) 13 The which now may well be demyd by varay demonstracions, and also pronosticacions to the Kyng, of his deth and murdur.c1510More Picus Wks. 2/2 Which pronostication one Paulinus making much of, expowned it to signifie [etc.].1638Junius Paint. Ancients 142 The Athenians for his divine prognostications erected him a statue with a golden tongue.1750Johnson Rambler No. 187 ⁋8 This prognostication she was ordered to keep secret.1905Expositor Feb. 134 His gloomy prognostications of coming doom.
c. A conjecture of some future event formed upon some supposed sign; a presentiment, foreboding.
1760Johnson Idler No. 92 ⁋5 Will Puzzle..foresees every thing before it will happen, though he never relates his prognostications till the event is past.1782F. Burney Cecilia x. ii, At his sight, her prognostication of ill became stronger.1812J. J. Henry Camp. agst. Quebec 49 A prognostication resulted in my mind, that we should all die of mere debility in these wilds.1864Bowen Logic ix. 307 The prognostications of evil thus formed very often bring about their own fulfilment.
2. An astrological or astrometeorological forecast for the year, published in (or as) an almanac; hence, an almanac containing this. Obs.
See list of such Prognostications in Forewords to Laneham's Letter, p. cxxxiii. et seq.
1516(title) The prognosticacion of maister Iasper late..translated into ynglissh, to the honorre of te moost noble & victorious kynge Henry the viij by..Nicholas longwater.1545(title) A Pronostycacion or an Almanacke for the yere of our lorde mcccccxlv made by Andrewe Boorde of Physycke doctor.1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. ii. (1882) 66 The makers of prognostications, or almanacks for the yeere.1603Owen Pembrokeshire (1892) 142 The vsuall order annexed to the prognostications in placeing the faires of everye moneth together.1643C'tess Mar's Househ. Bk. in Ritchie Ch. St. Baldred (1880) 63 For ane prognostication 8d.
3. Med. = prognosis 1. Obs.
1533Elyot Cast. Helthe (1541) 55 The Rules of Hipocrates in his seconde boke of pronostications.1610P. Barrough Meth. Physick vii. iv. (1639) 388 There needeth no clyster, but that prognostication is sufficient.1767Gooch Treat. Wounds I. 96 To regulate our judgment in prognostication, we must consider, what wounds are mortal, and what not.
4. Something that foretells or foreshadows an event; an indication of something about to happen; a sign, token, portent, prognostic. Now rare.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) VII. 491 The pix..did falle, whiche was a pronosticacion contrary to the victory of the Kynge.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 81 Which hideous tempest some said it was a very pronosticacion of trouble and hatred to come betwene princes.1606Shakes. Ant. & Cl. i. ii. 54 Nay, if an oyly Palme bee not a fruitfull Prognostication, I cannot scratch mine eare.1850Gladstone Glean. (1879) V. cxxxviii. 254 Labouring to fix the position of the Church for our own time according to the conditions and the prognostications which the time itself not offers only but rather thrusts and forces on our view.




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