

单词 incognite
释义 incognite, a. Obs.|ɪnˈkɒgnɪt|
[ad. L. incognit-us unknown, f. in- (in-3) + cognit-us, pa. pple. of cognōscĕre to get to know.]
1609Ev. Woman in Hum. ii. i. in Bullen O. Pl. IV, All which to me are..Obsurde inigmaes, and to my studies Incognite Language.1677Gale Crt. Gentiles iv. 458 It becomes us..to receive..al the workes of Providence, albeit they may seem to many injust, because incognite and incomprehensible.1678T. Jordan Triumphs Lond. Ded., By their [merchants'] Cost, Adventures, Diligence, and Vigilance, incognite Countries have been discovered.




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