

单词 identification
释义 identification|aɪdɛntɪfɪˈkeɪʃən|
[n. of action f. identify: see -fication.]
The action of identifying or fact of being identified.
1. a. The making, regarding, or treating of a thing as identical with ( to) another, or of two or more things as identical with one another.
1644Digby Two Treat. ii. ii. 19 In them [identical propositions]..evidence ariseth out of the plaine Identification of the extreames that are affirmed of one another.1656Blount Glossogr., Identification, the making two things to be the same.1749P. Skelton Deism revealed vi. (1751) II. 82 Shep. He may then be able..to join the soul or spirit of man to himself. Dech. Not so as to make but one person of both; such an identification I take to be impossible.1805R. Watson Charge in Misc. Tracts (1815) I. 7, I am not ready to admit the Identification of the Romish Faith with Gospel Faith.1856Stanley Sinai & Pal. i. (1858) 39 If there are insuperable objections to the identification of Serbâl with Sinai.1884Gladstone Sp. Ho. Comm. 28 Feb., The identification of the franchise in boroughs and counties.
b. The becoming or making oneself one with another, in feeling, interest, or action. Esp. in Psychol., the (freq. unconscious) adaptation of one's ideas and behaviour to fit in with those of a person or group seen as a model.
1857Willmott Pleas. Lit. xi. 41 In Livy it will be the manner of telling a story, in Sallust, personal identification with the character.1858Holland Titcomb's Lett. vii. 229 The thorough identification of husband and wife in feeling, pride of character and family.1880Stephen Pope iii. 62 He..kept himself free from identification with either party.1913A. A. Brill tr. Freud's Interpr. of Dreams iv. 126 Identification is a highly important factor in the mechanism of hysterical symptoms; by this means patients are enabled in their symptoms to represent not merely their own experiences, but the experiences of a great number of other persons.1930W. Healy et al. Struct. & Meaning Psychoanal. v. 240 Identification is the unconscious molding of a person's own Ego after the fashion of one that has been taken as a model.1950Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. XLI. 176 It was..clear from her stories and her behaviour at school that J. W. succeeded in making a ‘good identification’.1964Listener 21 May 825/2 The participatory emotions{ddd}are mediated by processes variously known as empathy, rapport, projection, and identification.1972Sci. Amer. Jan. 36/3 Girls often are socialized in early childhood to satisfy their achievement needs passively by identification with the accomplishments of their father or their brothers.
2. The determination of identity; the action or process of determining what a thing is; the recognition of a thing as being what it is.
1859Lang Wand. India 168 The identification of a child, who may be an heir to property, is not so light a matter as the purchase of a kitten.1860Dickens Uncomm. Trav. v, I had taken, for purposes of identification, a photograph⁓likeness of a thief, in the portrait-room at our head police office.1881A. Herschel in Nature No. 622. 507 The identification of their spectroscopic presence in certain meteor-streaks.1887Times 28 Sept. 3/6 The identification of habitual offenders in spite of their numerous disguises.
3. Exact portraiture; realistic description; also, an instance of this. Obs.
1812Examiner 25 May 327/2 The several Portrait Pieces are strong identifications of nature.1842Miss Mitford in L'Estrange Life (1870) III. ix. 158 The power of identification, which is the salt of all literature from Horace to Scott.
4. A document such as a passport, driving licence, health card, or a disc or mark that serves to identify a person, or indicates his nationality, military unit, etc. Also collect.
1947Amer. College Dict. 599/1 Identification, something that identifies one: have you any identification?1958P. Kemp No Colours or Crest vi. 100 We got good identifications—all from the 1st Alpine Division.1964Mrs. L. B. Johnson White House Diary 10 June (1970) 164 What we should have done was to ask them all to wear some identification.1965M. Bradbury Stepping Westward v. 272 Got any identification?1970Globe & Mail (Toronto) 28 Sept. 7/1 Once inside I was forced to produce my driver's licence, draft card, student I.D., and all other identification I had on me.
5. attrib. and Comb. [cf. identity 10], as identification badge, identification bracelet, identification card, identification mark, identification papers; identification beacon Aeronaut. (see quot.); identification disc, a disc carried or worn by a person (usu. one in the armed forces), giving his name, etc., as a means of identification; identification lamp, light, a light (e.g. on an aircraft) that provides a means of identification; identification panel, a sign used to indicate the position of ground troops to friendly aircraft; identification parade, a parade of persons from among whom a suspect is to be identified; identification patch (see quot.); identification plate, the registered number plate of a motor vehicle; identification signal (see quot. 1918); identification tag N. Amer. = identification disc; also transf.
1945Identification badge [see film badge (film n. 7 b)].1951Gloss. Aeronaut. Terms (B.S.I.) iii. 24 Identification beacon, a beacon displaying a coded light and identifying a geographical point.1969New Yorker 30 Aug. 57/2 (Advt.), The 17-jewel movement attaches to a rich gold..identification bracelet.1970Ibid. 24 Oct. 48/2 He gave her his identification bracelet, from which he had had eight links removed.
1908Westm. Gaz. 13 Feb. 5/2 An identification-card with his photograph on it.1969New Yorker 10 May 29/1 Residents will show identification cards to gain admittance.
1915R. Brooke Let. Mar. (1968) 665 Round my neck with my identification⁓disk.1915Sphere 11 Dec. p. iv/3 Copies of the soldiers' identification discs in gold.1930T. B. Bruce Missing 13, I burnt all letters and papers..keeping only my identification disc.1935H. G. Wells Things to Come 15 An identification disk—his introduction card so to speak—will be carried.
1932Gloss. Aeronaut. Terms (B.S.I.) (proofs) ix. 7 Identification lamp, a lamp mounted on an aircraft for purposes of recognition.1933Gloss. Aeronaut. Terms (B.S.I.) xiii. 78 Identification light, a light on or near a beacon having a character differing from, but serving to identify, it.1946R. A. McFarland Human Factors Air Transport Design xii. 608 Accidents may arise from misinterpretation of identification lights on other aircraft.
1897E. L. Voynich Gadfly iii. i. 253 For you to go there just now, with all your identification marks, would be to walk into a trap with your eyes open.1901Westm. Gaz. 24 Apr. 3/2 He found fifteen other bodies, searched them for their identification marks.1904Ibid. 30 Aug. 4/3 The identification marks of the cartridges of all the known armies of the world.1942B. A. Shields Princ. Flight vii. 231 When an aircraft is licensed, it is assigned an identification mark.Ibid., The identification mark signifies the type of flying in which the airplane is permitted to engage.1944Ann. Reg. 1943 251 The Germans also resented the wearing..of..colours of the R.A.F. aircraft identification marks.
1918E. S. Farrow Dict. Mil. Terms 305 Identification panels, in aëroplane balloon signalling, panels which are displayed at the sound signal of the aircraft or upon the initiative of the command post.1957P. Kemp Mine were of Trouble viii. 139 We had white identification panels spread on the crest in front of us, to indicate our forward positions.
1903Westm. Gaz. 28 Dec. 7/2, 300 men who had no workmen's identification papers.1918Identification papers [see good a. C. 8].1927W. E. Collinson Contemp. Eng. 78 The shortcomings of the identification parades at the police-station.1965W. Soyinka Road 54 Perhaps..if you promised not to look in his face..so that you could not recognise him at an identification parade.1966A. Sachs Jail Diary xi. 109 Perhaps they are taking me to another cell, or they are going to put me on an identification parade.1972Police Rev. 10 Nov. 1472/3 You think it is necessary to hold identification parades in this case.
1918E. S. Farrow Dict. Mil. Terms 305 Identification patch, tags placed upon the backs of the men's coats when advancing behind a barrage.
1901Motor-Car World II. 74/1 Identification-plate.1906Westm. Gaz. 26 Aug. 8/2 The Commission recommends that identification plates should ‘be rigidly fixed in an upright position’.1909Ibid. 24 June 4/1 Five marks for identification plates.1918E. S. Farrow Dict. Mil. Terms 305 Identification signals..which will identify the authority sending the communication..are assigned from division headquarters and each consists of one letter and one numeral.1946Happy Landings July 9/1 The identification signal could still be heard.
1918Identification tag [see dog tag (dog n.1 21 a)].1918E. S. Farrow Dict. Mil. Terms 305 An identification tag by which he can be identified if killed or wounded.1960J. J. Rowlands Spindrift 146 A small boy with an identification tag tied to his lapel walked silently beside the stewardess.1964Gould & Kolb Dict. Social Sci. 244/2 Some students suggest that there is a great concern among those desirous of upward mobility to discard their ethnic identification tags.




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