

单词 horse-plum
释义 ˈhorse-plum
1. A small red variety of plum.
1530Palsgr. 232/2 Horse plome, frute, jorroise.1546J. Heywood Prov. (1867) 20 Her cheekes are purple ruddie lyke a horse plumme.1648Gage West Ind. 28 A great black kernell as big as our horse Plums.1886Britten & Holland Plant-n., Horse Plum, a small red plum.
2. N. Amer. Either of the two common wild plums, Prunus americana or P. nigra.
1790S. Deane New-Eng. Farmer 222/2 The horse⁓plum, a very pleasant tasted juicy fruit, of a large size.1827Western Monthly Rev. I. 322 The fruit is of the size of a common horse plum.1908N. L. Britton N. Amer. Trees 494 Canada Plum—Prunus nigra Aiton. Also called Horse plum, this is a small, bushy tree, occurring in woods and neglected lands from Newfoundland to Alberta, and southward to Georgia.




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