

单词 unsquare
释义 I. unsquare
obs. f. answer v.
c1420Avow. Arth. xix, The tother vnsquarut him withskille.
II. unˈsquare, v.
[un-2 3, 6 b, 7.]
a. trans. To divest of squareness; to undo the squaring of.
b. intr. To lose squareness of form or structure.
1611Florio, Disquatrare, to vnsquare.1790Trans. Soc. Arts VIII. 168 [The loom] is not liable to unsquare; and yet..may be more easily removed than the old loom.1872De Morgan Budget of Paradoxes 470 Montucla charges Cluvier with unsquaring the parabola, which Archimedes had squared as tight as a glove.




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