

单词 unshut
释义 I. unˈshut, v.
[un-2 3, 7. Cf. OE. unscyttan.]
1. trans. To open or unlock (a door, etc.); to undo (a lock). Now rare.
13..Coer de L. 4212 On schal dwelle the clos withinne, The gate to unschette and unpynne, And stylly to unschette the lok.c1315Shoreham i. 2228 Nou, lord, þat coudest maky open Þet no man coude ounschette.1370–80Visions of St. Paul 198 in O.E. Misc. 228 He opened þe Mouþ of þat put, Hit stonk foule wȝon hit was vn-schut.c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 679 My purs I wole vnschete.1470–85Malory Arthur xi. iii. 574 Anone as he had vnshet the wyndowe.c1475Mankind 52 in Macro Plays 3 On-schett yowur lokke, & take an halpenye.1530Palsgr. 768/2, I unshote, I open, je defferme.Ibid., Unshote the doore. [Cf. 285/2 Unshittyng, deffermure.]1611Cotgr., Deffermer, to open; to vnshut, or vndoe a thing shut.1873Browning Red Cotton Night-Cap Country 274 Compare such paragon With any scarabæus of the brood That..keeps wing in wingcase;..the couple yonder..never bade unshut from sheath the gauze.
absol.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems 52 Off Abyssi this Aungel bar the keyes, Callid Clauis Dauid to shettyn and vnshette.
fig.c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 1573 Thre causes ben, whiche I þe wole vnschette And open a-non, whi þou schalt with hire dele.1513Douglas æneid xii. Prol. 121 Gymp gerraflouris thar royn levys vnschet.1589Fleming Virg. Georg. ii. 24, I enter..on things of old and ancient praise,..being bold t'vnshut or open holie springs.
b. intr. To become open.
1390Gower Conf. II. 102 Ther is no dore, which mai charke, Wherof an yhe scholde unschette.a1400Stockholm Med. MS. ii. 390 in Anglia XVIII. 317 Ley hem on neuer so strong a lok, It schal onschetyn & onstrok.1649G. Daniel Trinarch., Hen. V, cxxix, Wee..need not feare an Asse's Load Of Solar Earth, can force the Gates vnshutt.
2. dial. To unharness (a horse).
1817in Burne Folk-Lore (1883) 611 His team's unshut, his whip's laid up.1841Hartshorne Salop. Ant. Gloss., Unshut, to unlink, or ungear horses.1879Shropshire Word-bk. 310.
II. unˈshut, ppl. a.
[f. prec. or un-1 8 b.]
1. Opened, unclosed; not closed or shut.
c1384Chaucer H. Fame iii. 1953 And be day..Been al the dores opened wide And be nyght echon vnshet.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 23403 The gate..Of the castel stood vnshet.1491Caxton Vitas Patr. (W. de W. 1495) ii. 259/2 An hous the whiche byfore outwarde is moche ornate..but behynde all unshytte &..ruynous.1606Rowlands Terrible Battell (Hunterian Cl.) 36 From eare to eare thou hast a mouth vnshut.1691E. Taylor Behmen's Theos. Philos. 331 Whereby we ascend into his Arms, the unshut Light-World.1849M. Arnold Forsaken Merman 44 Where great whales come sailing by, Sail and sail, with unshut eye.a1851Moir Poems, Tombless Man iii, And, in the midst,..An unshut gateway.
2. Not shut up.
1610Bp. Hall Apol. agst. Brownists lv. 134 The plague..of sinne vnshut vp and vncouered.




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