

单词 unordinately
释义 unˈordinately, adv. Obs.
(un-1 11, 5 b.)
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 38 Ech body forȝetiþ him while þer þouȝt is bounden to love ony creature unordynatli.c1425St. Mary of Oignies i. v. in Anglia VIII. 138/16 Pronounsynge many wordes vnordynatly.c1440Jacob's Well 161 Whanne a man delyth wyth his wyif vnordynatly & vnkyndely.1545T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde 137 The sowar maye vnordinatly strewe..the seade on the earth.1550T. Hoby Trav. (1902) 57 Yf a mann drink unordinatlie of yt, yt makethe him dronke.




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