

单词 hende
释义 I. hend, hende, a. and adv. Obs.
Forms: (1 ᵹehende), 3–6 hende, (3 ende), 4 heind, 4–5 heende, hind(e, 4–6 hend, hynd(e, 5–6 heynd(e.
[app. an aphetic form of OE. ᵹehęnde adj. (and adv.), near, convenient, lit. at hand, handy, corresp. to OHG., MHG. gehende, gehente:—WGer. type *gahandja-z, f. hand- hand. Cf. also ON. -hęndr, -handed (in comb.).]
A. adj.
1. Near, at hand. (In ME. only predicative, and thus not easily distinguishable from the adverb; see B. 1, where all the quots. are placed.)
[c1000ælfric Hom. I. 456 Þa ferdon hi to ᵹehendre byriᵹ, þær ðær oðer deofol wæs ᵹewurðod.c1000Ags. Gosp. Mark i. 38 Fare we on ᵹehende tunas. [So c 1160 Hatton Gosp.]]
2. Ready to hand, convenient, handy. rare.
[c893K. ælfred Oros. iii. vii. §6 (1883) 116 Þæt hie þær ᵹehendaste wæren on ᵹehwelc lond þonan to winnane.]1508Dunbar Tua Mariit Wemen 14, I was heildit with hawthorne, and with heynd leveis.1513Douglas æneis v. xii. 113 Follow the counsale is maist ganand and hend, That agit Nautes gaif the, thi trew frend.Ibid. vii. iii. 40 For to remane heyr is oure cuntre heynd.
3. Ready or skilful with the hand, dexterous; expert, skilful, clever.
c1205Lay. 18707 An ald man swuðe hende..muche wisdom wes mid him.c1300Havelok 2628 Roberd saw þat dint so hende.13..Guy Warw. (A.) 173 He was hende and wele y-tauȝ t, Gij to lern forȝat he nauȝt.1494Fabyan Chron. 6 Thorough that connynge and parfyte memorye Of thynges taken whan I was yonge and hynde.1508Dunbar Gold. Targe 191 Dame Hamelynes..That hardy was, and hende in archery.a1550Christis Kirke Gr. x, Ane hasty hensure, callit Hary, Quha wes ane archer heynd.
4. Pleasant in dealing with others; courteous, gracious; kind, gentle, ‘nice’. (Of persons; less commonly of speech, action, etc.).
A conventional epithet of praise, very frequent in Middle English poetry.
c1205Lay. 14357 Rouwenne þe hende sat bi þan kinge.c1250Hymn to God 25 in Trin. Coll. Hom. 259 Þat bred of hele & of lif, ihesu crist þe hende.a1300Cursor M. 967 O-mang þine oþer werkes hend [v.r. hende] O þi winning giue me þe tend.Ibid. 2337 For he was theuful bath and hind [v. rr. hende, hend] Vr lauerd him hild his priue freind.c1386Chaucer Friar's Prol. 22 A sire ye sholde be hende And curteys as a man of youre estaat.c1400Destr. Troy 475 So hardy, so hynd in hall for to se.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 4448 Þou hase a hende hert.c1450Mirour Saluacioun 4655 One thi hoegest mercy Jhesu curtays & heende.c1460Towneley Myst. (Surtees) 53 So is his mercy heynd [rime feynd].1513Douglas æneis Pref. 456, I say na mair, bot gentill redaris hend, Lat all my faltis with this offence pas by.1522World & Child in Hazl. Dodsley I. 250 Now I am dubbed a knight hend.1616Bullokar Eng. Expos., Hend (obs.), gentle.a1765Sir Cawline xxxvi. in Child Ballads 111, ‘But away, away!’ sayd the hend soldan, ‘Thou tarryest mee here all day!’
5. Pleasing to the sight; comely, fair, ‘nice’.
c1205Lay. 3559 Metes and drinches, and hende claðes.c1305Judas Isc. 39 in E.E.P. (1862) 108 Þo he seȝ hit fair and hende: he let hit nemne Iudas. Hit nis noȝt al god þat is fair.c1350Med. MS. in Archæol. XXX. 371 Yon it growyth comely hende Be twyn veye as men wend.14..Stac. Rome 366 in Pol. Rel. & L. Poems 126 In þat mynster þat ys so hende.c1450Holland Howlat 893 The farest foule of the firth, and hendest of hewes.
6. absol. or as n. Gentle, courteous, or gracious one or ones (see 4); applied conventionally, chiefly to ladies or persons of noble rank. (Cf. similar use of bright, fair, etc.)
a1300Cursor M. 18751 Til his disciplis badd þat heind [v.r. hende] Fra iursalem þai suld noght weind.c1400Destr. Troy 3851 For the helpe of these hende, & hertely of other.Ibid. 8380 In a halle þat was hoge, þere þe hend lay.c1475Rauf Coilȝear 970 His wyfe wald he nocht forȝet..He send efter that hende.1508Dunbar Tua Mariit Wemen 32 Alkin hewis under hewin, that ony heynd knew.a1549Murning Maidin 57 in Laneham's Let. (1871) Introd. 151 In hy eftir that heynd I ȝeyd, And in my armes could hir hent.
B. adv.
1. Near, at hand. (When used after the verb to be, or similarly, this may be considered a predicative adjective: see A. 1.)
[c1000ælfric Gen. xix. 20 Nu ys her ᵹehende an ᵹehwæde burh.]c1250Gen. & Ex. 3370 Amalec, ysmaeles sune, was ðor hende rafadim wune.c1300Havelok 359 Raþe he sende After prestes fer an hende.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 8844 He scorned þem on his langage, ‘So fer for stones to make passage..Ffor þey no stones hender fond’.c1380Sir Ferumb. 3616 ‘Ihesu lord’..‘þat syttest on þy maieste, And seest boþe fer & hende’.1456Paston Lett. No. 284 I. 390 Devyle seyd ye were hender the londes at the begynning of your sute thanne ye be now.1507Communyc. (W. de W.) B iij, That houndes of hell come me not hende.
2. Courteously, kindly; gently. (Sometimes used merely for the sake of rime or alliteration.)
c1340Cursor M. 9134 (Trin.) Of salomon now we ende Þat regned fourty wyntur hende.c1350Will. Palerne 2713 Of þis hert and þis hinde hende now listenes.a1400–50Alexander 212 Bot will ȝ e herken hende, now sall ȝe here.c1450Holland Howlat 477 He gart hallowe the hart, and syne couth it hyng, About his hals full hende, and on his awne hart.
II. hend, v. Obs.
[perh. shortened from OE. ᵹehęndan to handle, take hold of, f. hand; perh. directly from the corresp. ON. hęnda (Sw. hända, Da. hende); cf. OFris. hęnda in same sense.]
trans. To lay hold of, seize; to take; to grasp, hold.
c1275Lay. 21365 And Colgrim ȝam hende [c 1205 hente] and fulde þe Bruttus.13..Coer de L. 4033 They..toke the temple of Apolyn. They felde it down, and hende Mahoun.c1460in Pol. Rel. & L. Poems 192 That bondis of helle can me nat hende.1596Spenser F.Q. v. xi. 27 As if that it she would in peeces rend, Or reave out of the hand that did it hend.
III. hend(e
obs. pl. of hand; obs. f. end; obs. Sc. f. hind a.




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