

单词 havour
释义 haviour, havour|ˈheɪvɪə(r)|
Forms: 5 hauoyr(e, -ore, 5–6 havoir, -oire, -ur(e, -eour, -your(e, 5–7 havour, -oure, 6– haviour (6 hauior); see also aver n.
[Orig. a. F. aveir, avoir ‘having, possession, property, estate, wealth, etc.’, subst. use of avoir, OF. aveir to have. First used in Eng. in the Norman form aveyr (see aver); the Central Fr. form avoir appeared about 1400, and displaced aver, exc. in the northern dialect, where that form survived in a specific sense. In 14–15th c., association with the Engl. have, having, introduced the variants haver, havoir, havour, and the h was established before 1500. At the same time the parallel behavour was formed on the Eng. behave; and in 16th c. havour, beside its original sense of ‘possession’, took also that of behavour. Subsequently the termination of both words passed through -eour to -iour (cf. saviour, and vulgar ‘lovier’); the original sense ‘possession’ became obs.; and, in the new sense, haviour came down alongside of behaviour, of which it may often have been viewed as a shortened by-form.]
1. The fact of having; possession; a possession, property; estate, substance, wealth. Obs.
[1330, etc. aveyr, avoir: see aver.]c1400Rom. Rose 4720 Love, it is..Wit withoute discrecioun; Havoire withoute possessioun.c1440Promp. Parv. 231/1 Havure, or havynge of catel, or oþer goodys (K. havour, or werdly good..), averium.1474Caxton Chesse 94 He toke al his hauoir and put hyt in a shippe.1475Bk. Noblesse 84 After her power and havyoure.1478Sir J. Paston in P. Lett. No. 814 III. 223 Every man off hys havore.1523St. Papers Hen. VIII, VI. 185 Prisoners of haveour takyn in the kinges armye.1587Fleming Contn. Holinshed III. 1378/1 Persons of wealthie hauior.1600Holland Livy xxiii. xli. 502 Manlius had levied of them certaine money..according to the havoir and abilitie..of each of them.1606Warner Alb. Eng. xvi. clxiv. 409 Food, Cloath, and havour competent.1616J. Bullokar Eng. Expos., Hauoire, possession.
2. The action of having or bearing oneself; deportment, bearing, behaviour, manner. Also pl. manners. arch. or dial.
1503Hawes Examp. Virt. vi. (Arb.) 22 Mylde in her hauour, dyscrete of chere.1540–1Elyot Image Gov. (1556) 4 b, Of base haviour.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Apr. 66 Her heauenly haueour, her princely grace.1599Massinger, etc. Old Law v. i, Nearer the haviour of a funeral, Than of a wedding.1752Foote Taste i. Wks. 1799 I. 13 Mind your haviours. Where's your best bow?a1756West Abuse Trav. (R.), A courteous haviour, gent and debonair.a1800S. Pegge Anecd. Eng. Lang. (1814) 378 Haviours, manners. ‘Do you think I have forgot my haviours?’
Hence ˈhavioured a., in Comb., as modest-havioured, modestly behaved.
1878C. & Mrs. C. Clarke Recoll. Writers 177 The modest-havioured woman simply sitting there.




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