

单词 unhealthy
释义 unˈhealthy, a.
[un-1 7.]
1. a. Of persons, etc.: Not possessed of good health; weak or sickly in health. b. Path. Not in a sound or healthy condition; diseased, morbid. Also absol.
1611Cotgr., Mal-sain,..sicklie, crazie, vnhealthie.1813J. Thomson Lect. Inflam. 424 When they exceed this, and take on a growing disposition, they are then unhealthy.1825T. Hook Sayings Ser. ii. II. 61 A watering-place, one of the most fashionable resorts for the idle and unhealthy.1862A. Meadows Man. Midwifery v. ii. 181 They are apt to take on afterwards unhealthy inflammation.1877W. Roberts Spontaneous Generation 22 We know that when a wound becomes unhealthy, as surgeons term it, the discharges become offensive.
2. a. Of places, climate, etc.: Prejudicial or hurtful to health; insalubrious; unwholesome.
1595in Hakluyt Voy. (1600) III. 587 The towne was situated in a waterie soile,..very vnhealthy as any place in the Indies.1616W. Browne Brit. Past. ii. i. 785 Then mists from marishes,..From standing pooles and fens were following Unhealthy fogs.1739C. Labelye Piers Westm. Bridge 72 The opposite Shore,..cover'd with unhealthy Ooze and Filth.1740in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. I. 275 That very unhealthy and dangerous climate.1806Med. Jrnl. XV. 17 It was now the most unhealthy season of the year.1827Scott Chron. Canongate iv, There never was a trade so unhealthy yet, but men would fight to get wark at it.1884in Cawston Street Improv. London (1893) 108 We bought shops and warehouses on just the same terms as we bought unhealthy dwellings.
b. Mil. slang. Dangerous.
1915A. D. Gillespie Lett. from Flanders (1916) 266 All this place is ‘out of bounds’ to the troops, for it must be an unhealthy corner when shells are falling.1930E. Raymond Jesting Army i. vi. 93 The Gully Ravine..was now ‘unhealthy’: it was being sprinkled with shrapnel bullets.
3. fig. (See healthy a. 3.)
1821Lamb Elia i. Imperfect Sympathies, I do feel the differences of mankind, national or individual, to an un⁓healthy excess.1849W. S. Mayo Kaloolah v. (1850) 39 He had set himself..against what his good sense led him to pronounce an unhealthy..excitement.
4. Comb., as unhealthy-looking adj.
1890L. D'Oyle Notches 98 We steamed away again, through a swampy and unhealthy-looking country.1890Retrospect Med. CII. 318 The skin is usually described as dusky,..unhealthy looking, or yellowish.




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