

单词 gryphe
释义 gryph(e Obs.
Also 6 griph(e.
[A perversion of gripe, after L. grȳphus: see griffin.]
1. A griffin.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvi. lii. (1495) 571 Gryphes kepe this stone [Iaspis] as they done Smaragdus.c1425Wynton Cron. i. x. 576 Gryphys [v.r. grypis] gret ner⁓hande thaim ar And dragownys.1579Twyne Phisicke agst. Fort. ii. Ep. Ded. 154 a, What strange..conflictes doth..desire of golde raise vp betweene the people Arimaspi and the Gryphes?
2. A vulture. Also fig.
1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1596) 81/1 The griph with talen, the dog with his tooth.1574Hellowes Gueuara's Fam. Ep. (1577) 197 They did eate a griphe in potage, and a Goose in pickle.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xi. xiii. (1886) 162 Plinie reporteth that griphes flie alwaies to the place of slaughter.1586J. Hooker Girald. Irel. in Holinshed II. 43/1 Argent three griphs or geires gules crowned gold: this griph or geire is a kind of an eagle.




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