

单词 grenadier
释义 I. grenadier1 Obs.
[a. F. grenadier, f. grenade grenade n.1 1.]
A pomegranate tree.
1632Lithgow Trav. v. 207 The best Carobiers, Adams Apples, and Grenadiers that grow on the earth is here [Damascus].
II. grenadier2|grɛnəˈdɪə(r)|
Forms: 7 grenadeer, (granatier), 7–8 granadeer, -dier, 8 granider, 7– grenadier.
[a. F. grenadier, f. grenade grenade n.1 sense 2.]
1. a. Originally, a soldier who threw grenades. At first four or five were attached to each company, but, later, each battalion or regiment had a company of them. Though grenades went out of general use in the eighteenth century, the name of ‘grenadiers’ was retained for a company of the tallest and finest men in the regiment. Now, however, in the British army, the word is retained only in the name of the Grenadier Guards (colloq. Grenadiers), the first regiment of household infantry.
1676tr. Guillatiere's Voy. Athens 405 If I went on with these Grenadeers, I would if possible, escape.1678Evelyn Diary 29 June, Now were brought into service a new sort of soldiers call'd Granadiers, who were dextrous in flinging hand granados.1686Lond. Gaz. No. 2106/4 Capt. Cornwallis's Company of Grenadiers in the Holland Regiment.1714Gay Sheph. Week Prol. 48 For Peace allays the Shepherd's Fear Of wearing Cap of Granadier.1776C. Lee in Sparks Corr. Amer. Rev. (1853) I. 202, I have formed two companies of grenadiers to each regiment.1800Wellington in Gurw. Desp. (1837) I. 164, I was in hopes that the grenadiers and the cavalry would have joined Lieut. Colonel Maclean.a1839Praed Poems (1864) I. 91 Guarded by griefs and grenadiers.1853Sir H. Douglas Milit. Bridges (ed. 3) 137 These were speedily followed by six companies of grenadiers in boats.
b. attrib. as grenadier-bonnet, grenadier-cap, grenadier-company, grenadier-guard; grenadier-like adj.
1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. II. vi. vi. 396 Demoiselle Théroigne has on her *grenadier-bonnet.
1749Fielding Tom Jones vii. xiv, When the centinel first saw our hero approach, his hair began gently to lift up his *grenadier-cap.
1772Ann. Reg. 73/2 Serjeant of the *grenadier company of the Royal Scots.1844H. H. Wilson Brit. India I. 363 The grenadier company of the 3rd volunteer native battalion.
1752Fielding Amelia i. iv, Her father-in-law..was in the *grenadier guards.
1878Browning Poets Croisic 132 *Grenadier-like, marching to assault.
c. transf. A person with the build of a grenadier.
1805E. Cavanagh Let. 20 Aug. in Londonderry & Hyde Russ. Jrnls. M. & C. Wilmot (1934) ii. 182 In walk'd a Grenadier of a Man with a silver Tray.1879R. L. Stevenson Trav. Donkey 105, I found two other guests. One was a country parish priest... He was a grenadier in person with the hale colour and circular wrinkles of a peasant.1929W. Faulkner Sartoris (1954) 30 That straight, grenadier's back of hers.1949M. Laski Little Boy Lost iii. 57 No child of mine could ever have reminded this grenadier of her Isidor.
2. a. A South African weaver-bird, Pyromelana (or Ploceus) oryx, with vivid red and black plumage. Also grenadier grosbeak, grenadier waxbill.
1751G. Edwards Nat. Hist. Birds IV. 178 The Grenadier..This Bird was brought from Angola..; his Note is not very agreeable, it resembling the Winding-up of a Clock.1802Bingley Anim. Biog. (1813) II. 161 The Grenadier Grosbeak is of about the size of a sparrow. The body is..of a beautiful red colour.1875–84R. B. Sharpe Layard's Birds S. Afr. 474 Uræginthus granatinus, Grenadier Waxbill.
b. The fish Macrurus fabricii or M. rupestris (Cent. Dict. 1889).
Hence grenaˈdierly adv., after the manner of a grenadier; grenaˈdiership, the position or function of grenadier.
1676tr. Guillatiere's Voy. Athens 405 In order to my Grenadiership, they had..put a linnen bagg full of Grenadoes about my shoulders.1829Landor Wks. (1846) 557/2 In the midst of her finery, she tosses down her gin grenadierly.




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