

单词 gremial
释义 gremial, a. and n.|ˈgriːmɪəl|
[ad. late L. gremiālis, f. gremi-um the lap, bosom.]
A. adj.
1. Of or pertaining to the bosom or lap. Of a friend: Intimate (cf. bosom-friend). Obs. exc. in gremial veil (Eccl.) = B. 2.
a1631Donne Serm. xvii. 167 Centricall Gold, viscerall Gold, gremiall Gold, Gold in the Matrice and womb of God.1659T. Pecke Parnassi Puerp. 153 Cæsar entreated, by a gremial Friend; To certifie him, when Stern Mars did end.1669Address Yng. Gentry Eng. 72 A repentance that will snatch you out of their [prostitutes'] gremial graves.1721–1800in Bailey.1853Dale tr. Baldeschi's Ceremonial 81 The gremial veil, which serves as an apron for the bishop.
2. Dwelling within the ‘bosom’ of a university or society, resident. Also as the epithet of the ordinary or full members of a society as distinguished from honorary members. Obs. exc. Hist.
1730J. Taylor Music Sp. Camb. 10 By the Model of this single Day, The gremial Doctor shapes his awkward Way.1739J. Hildrop Ess. Freethinking 14 All such as should at any time offer themselves as Candidates to be Gremial or Honourary Members of our Society.1841G. Peacock Stat. Cambridge App. A. 17 note, Gremial masters of arts were allowed to wear silk in their gowns and hoods.
3. Of or pertaining to the internal affairs of a corporation or society, confined to its members.
1880W. Smith & Cheetham Dict. Chr. Antiq. II. 1713 It was the rule for the prior to be elected from among the inmates of the monastery; in other words, the election was to be ‘gremial’.
B. n.
1. A resident member (of a university or other society). Obs. exc. Hist.
1563Foxe A. & M. 937/1 That done they came all into the Quere, and there helde the conuocation of the Uniuersitie, being gremials.1574M. Stokys in G. Peacock Stat. Cambridge (1841) App. A. 17 At Generall Processyons all Inceptours that war no Gremyallys shall goo before the Regentys.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. viii. iii. §45 They were made as capable of Degrees, as if admitted Gremials in the University.Waltham Abb. 20 And now was not Waltham highly honoured..when amongst those fourteen [Commissioners], two were her Gremials, the forenamed Nicholas living in Waltham, and this John, having his name thence, because birth therein.1665J. Buck in G. Peacock Stat. Cambridge (1841) App. B. 84 The Bedels deliver verses and Groats to all Drs. present, as well Strangers as Gremials.1694Strype Cranmer ii. vi. 162 These things made him always cast a favourable aspect upon the Universities, and especially that of Cambridg..which the Governors and the rest of the Gremials very well knew.1702–8Chamberlayne St. Gt. Brit. i. iii. xi. (1707) 470 In several Colleges the Gremials are dispenc'd with from taking their Batchelor of Divinity's Degree.1841G. Peacock Stat. Cambridge App. A. 17 note, Gremials, who were regents or non regents, were punished by suspension, ab omni datione [etc.]..whilst non gremials..were suspended ab omni gradu [etc.].1855Heywood tr. Early Camb. Stat. 17 No gremial in the congregations of masters shall utter any words publicly except in Latin.
2. Eccl. A silken apron placed on the bishop's lap when celebrating Mass or conferring orders.
1811Chron. in Ann. Reg. 65 The scarf, the cross, the gremial, and the mitre of the bishop.1853Dale tr. Baldeschi's Ceremonial 114 The Bishop having been divested of the mitre and gremial, rises.




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