

单词 uncaught
释义 unˈcaught, ppl. a.
(un-1 8 b.)
1340–70Alex. & Dind. 38 Þei þou fonde wiþ þi folk to fiȝhte wiþ us alle, We schulle us kepe on-cauȝt oure cauus wiþ inne.a1500Chester Pl. xviii. 117 He scapeth not vncought.1605Shakes. Lear ii. i. 59 Let him fly farre: Not in this Land shall he remaine vncaught.1619Hieron Wks. I. 639 The state of men by nature, who bee as fishes ranging after their owne disposition, vncaught.1711Gay Rural Sports 145 His bosom glows with treasures yet uncaught.1820C. R. Maturin Melmoth (1892) III. xxviii. 147 When⁓ever you have seen the tear, which your hand might have wiped away, fall uncaught.1894Baring-Gould Kitty Alone II. 95, I live in fear of him as long as he is uncaught.




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