

单词 glace
释义 I. glace, n.1 Obs. rare.
[a. F. glace:—popular L. *glacia = L. glaciēs]
Ice. on a glace: frozen.
a1400–50Alexander 3002 Alexander..asperly rydis To þe grete flode of Granton and it on a glace [Dublin MS. as glas] fyndis.1540Pate in State P. Hen. VIII (1849) VIII. 346 That the verite cummyng in place must nedes vade away, even as the glace by the fervor of the sone.1676Coles, Glace, Ice.
II. glace, n.2 Obs.
Also 5 glase.
[f. glace v. Cf. mod. dial. ‘gleece, a surprise’ (Northumbld. Gloss.).]
A swift or glancing blow; a wound, graze.
c1400Melayne 1347 What! wenys thou..þat I faynte bee For a spere was in my thee, A glace thorowte my syde.c1460Towneley Myst xiii. 316 Uxor. It were a fowll blott to be hanged for the case. Mak. I haue skapyd..oft as hard a glase.Ibid. xxi. 418 Primus tortor. We haue gyfen hym a glase..Secundus tortor. Sir..with knokys he is indoost.
III. glace, v. Obs. exc. dial.
Also 5 glase, 9 glease, gleaze.
[ad. OF. glacer, glacier, glacher, to glide, slip:—pop. L. *glacicāre to slip, slide, f. L. glaciēs ice.
OF. glacer had also a transitive sense ‘to cause to glide or slip’; cf. Cotgrave's ‘Glacer vn mot, to insert, put, thrust or foist a word into a writing’. The mod. F. glisser to slip is by some philologists supposed to be an altered form of OF. glier under the influence of glacer.]
1. intr. To glance, glide; to move lightly or quickly (cf. glance, glent). rare.
13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 171 Suche gladande glory con to me glace, As lyttel byfore þerto watz wont.a1400Hymns Virg. 108 Ay let gabbynges glyde and gon A-wey wher þei wol glace [Lamb. MS. glase] or glent.
2. Of weapons: To glance off, to slip, to fail in giving a direct blow; also, to glide, pass easily through.
13..Sir Beues 4177 (MS. A.) Doun of þe helm þe swerd gan glace And karf riȝt doun be-fore is face.c1400Sowdone Bab. 1208 It glased down by his sheelde And carfe his stedes neke a-sonder.1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy iii. xxii, The head of stele..Through plate & mayle mightly gan to glace.c1450Guy Warw. (C.) 5067 Hys swerde glasedde lowe And stroke vpon the sadull bowe.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. i. (1482) 5 And as this brute shold shete unto an hert his arowe myshapped and glaced and so there Brute quelled his fader.
3. trans. (dial.) (See quot.)
1876Whitby Gloss, Glease or Gleaze, to glide past. ‘I just gleas'd it’, as an object is nearly hit by a stone thrown at it. [So glaze in West Scotland (Rev. W. B. R. Wilson).]
Hence ˈglacing vbl. n.
c1440Promp. Parv. 197/1 Glacynge, or wronge glydynge of boltys or arowys (S. glansyng, P. glaunsinge of shetinge), devolatus.1855Robinson Whitby Gloss., A Gleasing, a hot pursuit, a sweat. ‘I have had a good gleasing after him’, a sharp run. And in a legal sense, ‘He has had to bide a bonny gleasing’, sustain the heavy charges of a law suit. Also in the general meaning of loss or deprivation.
IV. glace
obs. form of glass n.




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