

单词 twisted
释义 ˈtwisted, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ed1.]
1. Divided, branching. Obs. rare—1.
1398[see twist v. 1].
2. a. Consisting of two or more threads, strands, or the like twined together; (of a thread or strand) formed into a cord by being intertwined with another or others; made of spun or doubled thread, or by spinning; also transf. wreathed, plaited, interwoven.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI, 135 An indissoluble knot, like the twisted tree, whiche cannot seuer.1573–80Baret Alv. T 456 Twined or twisted thred, filum retortum.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. xi. 22 In a canvas thin he was bedight, And girded with a belt of twisted brake.a1603Council Order in Antiq. Rep. (1807) I. 23 Twisted with two rows of twisted lace russet..the clothe itself set with the said twisted lace.1609Bible (Douay) Exod. xxxvi. 8 Ten curtines of twisted silke, and hyacinth, and purple, and scarlet twise died.1718Blackmore Alfred iii. (1723) 92 Cables in Rings,..Their twisted Lengths voluminous enfold.1718Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to Mrs. Thistlethwayte 25 Sept., We began to ascend Mount Cenis, being carried in little seats of twisted osiers.1757Gray Bard 5 Helm, nor Hauberk's twisted mail.1791Cowper Iliad v. 135 Blood spouted through his twisted mail.1794Southey Slave Trade iv. 7 No tear escaped him, not one suffering groan Beneath the twisted thong.1825Scott Talism. iii, Mattresses, wrought of twisted flags, lay by the side of the cell.1835T. Mitchell Acharn. of Aristoph. 400 note, A round twisted basket, in which any thing was carried.1895Scully Kafir Stories 24 A musical instrument..consisted of a stick about three feet long, bent into a bow by a string made of twisted sinews.
b. fig. Intimately associated or connected; united; combined; also, consisting of two elements united. Obs.
1573–80Baret Alv. T 460 Twisted together, hard to be loosed, intricate, doubtfull.1642Gauden Three Serm. 29 Hypocrisie is a double and twisted impiety.1655W. Hammond Poems (1906) 500 Our twisted lives must be cut both Together.1665Glanvill Scepsis Sci. Addr. A iv, Their..deep Sagacity, twisted Endeavours, ample Fortunes, and all other advantages.
c. Of the stem of a wine-glass: having a spiral ornament inside. Cf. twist n.1 16 a (b).
1897[see air-twisted s.v. air n.1 II].1897A. Hartshorne Old Eng. Glasses 61 The glasses which we know generically as those with ‘twisted stems’, that is, with thin air-threads, and opaque white spiral lines in their standards.1929W. A. Thorpe Hist. English & Irish Glass I. 199 Between 1714 and 1745..twisted stems are rare.1970G. Gros-Galliner Glass iv. 108 A twisted stem decoration could be achieved by rib-moulding and rib-twisting.
3. a. Wrung out of shape; distorted; contorted; turned or bent awry; spec. in Bot. = contorted 2; crooked, tortuous, winding; turned or wrung spirally, of coiled or screw-like form, spiral or helical; in Geom. applied to curves in space, as twisted Cartesian, t. cubic, etc. (see curvature 1 b); also, involved, tangled, confused.
1725W. Halfpenny Sound Building 13 The two different Edges of a Twisted Schofeet.1776Withering Brit. Plants (1796) II. 319 Parnassia... Stem somewhat twisted.1782A. Monro Compar. Anat. 167 The eight upper ribs were formerly classed into pairs,..to wit, the crooked, the solid, the pectoral, the twisted.1828Stark Elem. Nat. Hist. II. 135 Siliquaria, Lam.Serpula, Lin. Shell tubular, irregularly twisted.1830Carlyle Richter Again Ess. 1840 II. 297 Abounding..in the most twisted phraseology.1831Scott Cast. Dang. xvii, A clear fountain of living water bubbled forth from under the twisted roots of one of those trees.1842J. Bischoff Woollen Manuf. II. 355 They [horns] protrude nearly at right angles from the head, and then become twisted in a singular way.1854Murchison Siluria v. 93 Highly twisted micaceous schists.a1861T. Woolner My Beautiful Lady, Her Gard. iv, The mad gale had..fiercely blown The stalks [of the lilies] in twisted heaps.1876Hooker Bot. Primer 68 Twisted, when each overlaps by one margin the contiguous margin of that next to it.1894H. Nisbet Bush Girl's Rom. 240 Worrogonga handed to her a small twisted note.
b. Of a person: neurotic, emotionally unbalanced; perverted. Also transf. and with up.
1900Dialect Notes II. 68 [College words.] Twisted, pp. as adj. 1. Wrong. 2. Crazy. 3. Confused.1956R. M. Lester Towards Hereafter xiv. 165 Those who had held to the twisted idea that all psychical phenomena and spirit communication was ‘the work of the devil’ began to think again.1963Times Lit. Suppl. 25 Jan. 64/3 Alan..who is as extroverted as Paul is twisted up.1963A. Heron Towards Quaker View of Sex iii. 34 The emotional strains..produce the twisted embittered woman, only too familiar to psychiatrists.1971A. Morice Death of Gay Dog v. 72 Old Roger..does so enjoy having lots of money; not like that twisted-up Nancy.1978S. Sheldon Bloodline xlii. 360 Snuff films..would have been made to be shown privately to wealthy individuals who got their pleasure in twisted, sadistic ways.
4. In special collocations: twisted bit, a bit of which the mouthpiece consists of a square bar spirally twisted; also in Carpentry: see quot.; twisted drill = twist-drill (twist n.1 23); twisted flower, rendering of Strophanthus, name of a genus of tropical shrubs, natives of Asia and Africa, esp. applied to those species cultivated for the singularity of their flowers (Cent. Dict. 1891); twisted horn = twisty n.; twisted mouth: see quot.; twisted pair Teleph., a pair of insulated conductors twisted about each other, as in a flex or by alternating their positions on successive telegraph poles; twisted pillar, a pillar having the appearance of being spirally twisted, or apparently consisting of two shafts intertwined; twisted pine, Pinus contorta, a small pine of the Pacific coast of North America, the twisted-branched pine; also P. Teocote of Mexico; twisted stalk, rendering of Streptopus, name of a genus of perennial herbaceous plants bearing bell-shaped flowers with curious bent stalks; twisted stick = twisted horn; twisted suture: see quot.; twisted tree, ? a branch of willow or other tree formerly used in connexion with Easter celebrations.
1875Knight Dict. Mech., *Twisted bit.., a wood-boring tool adapted to be used in a brace. It is a..flat bar twisted into a spiral form and provided..with a cutter and a routing-table.
1884F. J. Britten Watch & Clockm. 95 For long holes of small diameter a *twisted drill is desirable.1866*Twisted horn [see twisty n.].
1875Knight Dict. Mech., *Twisted mouth (Manège), a bit whose mouthpiece has been twisted, to make it more severe than it otherwise would be.
1923T. E. Herbert Telephony xxiii. 651 The disturbing effect of a *twisted pair in good condition is relatively minute when compared with a single wire.1979Sci. Amer. Aug. 9/2 (Advt.), Each link can be up to five miles long, and uses a single, shielded, twisted pair cable.
1717Berkeley Tour in Italy Wks. 1871 IV. 550 The altars generally adorned with *twisted pillars.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) IV. 77 The great altar has sixteen twisted pillars of white and green marble.1869H. F. Tozer Highl. Turkey I. 238 Balustrades and windows with twisted pillars.
1866Treas. Bot. s.v. Pine, *Twisted pine, Pinus Teocote.1884Miller Plant-n., Pine-tree, Twisted Mexican, Pinus Teocote.
1856A. Gray Man. Bot. (1860) 474 Streptopus, *Twisted-stalk.1866*Twisted stick [see twisty n.].
1767Gooch Treat. Wounds I. 154 The *twisted-suture..is performed by introducing one, two or more, needles or pins through the whole substance of the lips of the wound, twisting a waxed thread neatly about them, in the form of a figure of 8.
1598Stow Surv. 72 In the weeke before Easter had yee great shewes made for the fetching in of a *twisted Tree, or With, as they termed it, out of the woodes into the kinges house, and the like into euery mans house of honor or worship.
5. Comb., as twisted-branched, twisted-convolute, twisted-locked.
1830Lindley Nat. Syst. Bot. 131 æstivation for the most part twisted-convolute.1862Eng. Wom. Dom. Mag. IV. 218 Those frizzly-haired, lank-haired, twisted-locked, top-knotted foreigners.1884Miller Plant-n., Pinus contorta, twisted-branched pine.
Hence ˈtwistedly adv., in a twisted manner.
1910Westm. Gaz. 2 Feb. 8/2 Every single strand of the tobacco smokes perpendicularly downwards instead of horizontally across, or twistedly diagonal.1915Blackw. Mag. May 590/1 A twistedly pathetic thing a battery team and limber is without a gun.




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