

单词 frigefact
释义 ˈfrigefact, v. Obs.—1
[ad. L. frīgēfact-āre, f. frīgē-re to be cold + fact- ppl. stem of facĕre to make.]
trans. To chill. So ˈfrigefacted ppl. a. [see -ed1], made frigid; frigeˈfaction [see -ion1 or -tion], the action or process of chilling; frigeˈfactive a. [see -ive], chilling.
1599A. M. tr. Gabelhouer's Bk. Physicke 21/2 If it be a Foote or a Legge which is in this sorte frigefacted, I then take my beginning of circumuolutione at the knees to the bodye vpwardes.1651Biggs New Disp. ⁋192 Frigefactive and positive power.c1656Ussher Ann. vi. (1658) 279 Taking a huge draught of frigifacted wine.1656Blount Glossogr., Frigefaction, a making cool.1660H. More Myst. Godliness vii. xv. 340 Saturn..is in an high degree frigefactive, as also exsiccative.1673Phil. Trans. VIII. 6132 All these to be further examined by Contusion, Agitation, Frigefaction.1684Ibid. XIV. 769 The severity of the Air's frigefactive power.




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