

单词 trest
释义 I. trest, n.1 Obs.
Forms: 4–5 treste, 4–6 trest.
[A parallel form to traist n., trist n., trust n. It may in some instances be a variant of traist (which is probable at least for the 16th c. Scotch use); but is viewed by Morsbach as a variant of trist.]
Confidence, assurance, trust.
a1300Floriz & Bl. 408 Al mi trest is þe upon.1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. xl. 198 Iosue..by the grete treste that he had in god, comanded the Sone and the mone.1570Satir. Poems Reform. xxiv. 48 To hing, As tratouris sould, for schuitting vnder trest.a1600Montgomerie Misc. Poems xxx. 23 Sen he took me vnder trest.
II. trest, n.2 Now only Sc. and dial.|trɛst|
Forms: α. 4–6 treste, 6 Sc. treist, 5– trest. β. 5 Sc. trast, 6 Sc. traist. γ. 5 tryste, 5–6 tryst, 6 trist. δ. 6 triss, 6–9 tress.
[a. OF. treste, var. of traste, orig. trastre, trestre (12–13th c. in Godef.):—L. transtrum, *trāstrum cross-beam, transom; cf. obs. It. trasto, pl. trasti the benches of a galley, transoms (Florio), which has also lost the second r.]
1. = trestle 1.
13..Seuyn Sag. (W.) 3874 The kinges dener wele was grayd; Thai set trestes and bordes on layd.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 832 Þe trestes tylt to þe woȝe & þe table boþe.1432Test. Ebor. (Surtees) II. 22, j met bord wt j pare trystes.c1470Henry Wallace x. 40 Thai..Past our the bryg; Wallace gert wrychtis call, Hewyt trastis: wndyd the passage all.1501Douglas Pal. Hon. iii. lxx, Traists, formis, and benkis, war poleist plane.1565in Hay Fleming Reform. Scotl. (1910) 610 Ane aikin burd standand on treistis.1627May Lucan x. 133 High tresses golden tables bore.1665J. Fraser Polichron. (S.H.S.) 197 The trests and supporters of the oaken table.1825Scott Betrothed xiv, When the boards and tresses on which the viands had been served were withdrawn.1886J. Barrowman Sc. Mining Terms, Tress, a trestle; the fulcrum for the lever used in boring.
b. A rest used with a harquebus or other fire-arm: = trestle 4 a. Obs.
1513Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. IV. 527, ij cartis with gwnstainis,..the cran with the traistis for the gwn.1515Ibid. V. 15 Four gret eschin treis to mak trestis for hacbuschis.1543–4Ibid. VIII. 248 For fraucht of thre boittis witht the said artalȝe, having tressis,..and other necessaris convenient thairfore.
2. A tripod; a three-legged stool: = trestle 2. Now dial., and variously used.
1483Cath. Angl. 393/2 A Tryste (A. A Tristylle), tripos, tristula.1513Douglas æneis iii. vi. 11 God Apollois divinationis, Vnder his trestis and burdis at Delphos schene.1547–64Bauldwin Mor. Philos. (Palfr.) 10 Certaine fishers found a golden treste or triuet, on which was written ‘sapienti’, that is, Giue this to a wise man.a1800Pegge Suppl. Grose, Trest, a strong large stool. Lanc.1882Lanc. Gloss., Trest, a strong bench; a butcher's block [cf. sense 1].
III. trest, a. Obs.
[A parallel form to traist a., trist a.1: cf. trest n.1 and next.]
1. Firm, strong: = traist a. 1.
c1470Golagros & Gaw. 526 He..Turnit to ane hie toure, that tight wes full trest.
2. Confident, sure: = traist a. 2.
a1300Cursor M. 17219 Þou mai be ful trest to spede.
3. Trusty, faithful: = traist a. 3.
c1560A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) ix. 28 Ane constant hairt bayth trest & trew.1566Inv. Roy. Wardrobe (1815) 177 Service done..be our trest cousing Johnne now erle of Mar.1584Hudson Du Bartas' Judith v. 134 So shall you finde me,..as faithfull, secret, trest, and trew.
Hence ˈtrestly adv. Obs., confidently.
a1568in Bannatyne Poems (Hunter. Cl.) 213 Thair is nocht faithfulnes fundin in to this erd; Now is nocht thre may trestly trow in the ferd.
IV. trest, v. Obs.
Forms: 3 treste(n, 5–6 trest; also 4 pa. tense treste.
[A parallel form to traist v., trist v., trust v.
Morsbach considers it a phonetic variant of trist. But in the northern and Sc. examples it may be merely a variant spelling of traist, perh. under English influence.]
1. refl. To commit oneself securely, to trust (in, of, on): cf. traist v. 1.
a1250Prov. ælfred 505 in O.E. Misc. 132 On him þu maist þe tresten.1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. xl. 198 That neuer he shold hym treste of the helpe of his god..This kynge Ezechie hym trested in god.
2. intr. To trust (of, to, or with inf.): = traist v. 2.
c1275Lay. 17941 For sealde he aswint Þat to him seolue tresteþ.13..Sir Beues (A.) 3520 Meche a [= he] treste to Arondel.c1400Apol. Loll. 66 Wan þe man trestiþ of þis absolucoun, wening him siker..& mendiþ not.1405in Roy. & Hist. Lett. Hen. IV (Rolls) 159 Treste ȝe nought to no Leutenaunt.c1425XI Pains of Hell 347 in O.E. Misc. 221 Y pray ȝou seris trest wele hereto.c1560A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) xxii. 17 Ay tresting for to speid.
b. trans. with simple obj. (? orig. dative), or clause: = traist v. 2 b.
c1275Lay. 2351 Ac he nam one hired man Þat wel he treste con.1500–20Dunbar Poems xiii. 11 Is na man thair that trestis ane vther.c1560A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) xxx. 8 Trest weill this taill is trew.1570Satir. Poems Reform. xvii. 183 He may, I trest, set vs at rest.
V. trest
obs. form of tryst.




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