

单词 transmutable
释义 transmutable, a.|trɑːnsˈmjuːtəb(ə)l, træns-, -nz-|
[ad. med.L. transmūtābilis (Albertus Magnus, a 1250), f. L. transmūt-āre to transmute: cf. mutable.]
Capable of being transmuted or changed into something else.
1460–70Bk. Quintessence i. 14 Oure 5-essencie is þe instrument of alle vertues of þing transmutable if þei be putt in it, encreessynge an hundrid foold her worchingis.1545T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde 20 By contynuall circulation of the matter transmutable, she maye brynge her pourpose to passe.1652French Yorksh. Spa ii. 6 All Elements are mutually transmutable into one the other.1731Hist. Litteraria II. 379 Animal Substances are..more easily transmutable into animal Juices than vegetable.1879tr. De Quatrefages' Hum. Spec. 39 Lamarck, Geoffroy, Darwin and his school, consider the species not only as variable but as transmutable.1896Buffalo (U.S.) Current Hist. VI. 3 note, Professor Dewar and others have shown the X rays to be transmutable into light rays affecting the eye.
b. Liable to change, changeable, mutable.
c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 197 The world unsuyr, fortune transmutable.1509Hawes Conv. Swearers v, Worldly rychesse is often transmutable.1509Past. Pleas. xiii. (Percy Soc.) 51 They nothing thynke on fortune variable, Whyche al theyr ryches shal make transmutable.
Hence transˈmutably adv., in a transmutable manner; transˈmutableness, transmutability.
1666Boyle Orig. Formes & Qual. i. ii, Some learned modern naturalists have conjectured at the easy transmutableness of water.1680Produc. Chem. Princ. v. 265 The Aristotelian Hypothesis, of the transmutableness of what they call Elements.1736Bailey (folio), Transmutably, in a manner capable of being chang'd.




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