

单词 receivable
释义 receivable, a. and n. pl.|rɪˈsiːvəb(ə)l|
[Orig. a. AF. receivable (1304), var. OF. recevable; in later use f. receive v. + -able.]
A. adj.
1. a. Capable of being received.
1382Wyclif Ecclus. ii. 5 Men..resceyuable [L. receptibiles] in the chymne of mecnesse.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. 87 There will remaine a quantity of water not receiveable.1669Woodhead St. Teresa i. Pref. 31 Without considering..the benefits receivable by it.1777Wesley Wks. (1872) XI. 382 This is spoken of as receivable by mere faith.1836Penny Cycl. V. 163/1 Bills..receivable or payable.1865M. Arnold Ess. Crit. viii. (1875) 326 His doctrine was more intelligible than Coleridge's, more receivable.
b. Of indictments, excuses, evidence, etc.
1581Lambarde Eiren. iv. v. (1588) 503 Now let us..consider what enditements be receivable by the Iustices of Peace.1621Molle Camerar. Liv. Libr. ii. ix. 103 A fresh testimonie..which may seeme receiuable.1662J. Davies tr. Mandelslo's Trav. 231 If they can alledge any receivable excuse, they are shut up again.1880Ld. Blackburn in Law Times Rep. XLIII. 213/2 The general rule of English law is, that hearsay evidence is not receivable.1884Ld. Coleridge ibid. L. 277/1 Does that make the husband a receivable witness against his wife?
c. Of certificates, paper money, etc.: That is to be received as legal tender.
1790Hamilton Wks. (1886) VII. 50 The certificates..shall also be receivable in all payments whatsoever for land.1856Tait's Mag. XXIII. 648 Government paper..receivable in payment of taxes.1889Spectator 7 Dec., These certificates are to be receivable in all State Treasuries for all purposes, and may be redeemed whenever the holder chooses.
d. Of a broadcast signal or a broadcasting station.
1962Rep. Comm. Broadcasting 1960 196 in Parl. Papers 1961–2 (Cmnd. 1753) IX. 259 Both the BBC and the ITA..accept it as their duty to see that their present services are as nearly as possible available to everybody in the country. Not only should they be receivable; they must also be technically acceptable.
2. Capable of receiving; receptive of. Now rare.
c1530tr. Erasmus' Serm. Ch. Jesus (1901) 11 He formed [vs] to his owne lykenes; that is to wyte, receyuable of the highe ioy.1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Mark ii. 15 b, The feastes of the Iewes bee small, and receiuable but of fewe persones.Ibid. viii. 50 b, Crying ofte..that his audience is not receyuable of so high misteries.1887M. Burt Browning's Women 198 The susceptible, receivable, teachable quality in woman or in man.
B. n. pl. Comm. Debts owed to a business, esp. regarded as assets. Cf. payables n. pl.
1863‘E. Kirke’ My Southern Friends xxii. 231 When I went home..we had only nineteen thousand in bank. I had exhausted all our receivables.1947Sun (Baltimore) 30 Sept. 19/1 A move to..take care of a steadily expanding volume of receivables acquired.1955Times 10 May 17/2 Long-term receivables have been separated from current receivables, and a new item, short-term borrowings, appears under current liabilities.1978Daily Tel. 21 Mar. 3 (Advt.), The HP 3000 will run your payroll, process invoices, print out receivables and take care of general ledger work.
Hence receivaˈbility, reˈceivableness.
1580Hollyband Treas. Fr. Tong, Capacité, capacitie or receyuablenesse.1654Whitlock Zootomia 352 Exuberances of Fancy, or Desires, [which] various Reading might imprint on such waxy Molds, or tender Receivablenesse.1813Jefferson Writ. (1830) IV. 200 These bills would make their way..by their receivability for customs and taxes.




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