

单词 traik
释义 I. traik, n. Sc.|trek|
Also 6 traike, 8 trake.
[traik n. and v. appear together in Sc. soon after 1500. Origin uncertain; with sense 1 cf. Sw. tråk ‘troublesome task, painfulness, tiresomeness’, tråkig adj., tiresome, troublesome, wearisome, and the vb. mentioned under traik v. It is not clear that sense 2 is the same word, but cf. the vb.]
1. A plague, pestilence; mischief, disaster; also fig. of a person, one who is a ‘pest’ or ‘plague’.
1513Douglas æneis iii. ii. 141 Ane cruell pest and traik,..Fell on our membris with sic infectioun, Was na remeid.Ibid. xi. xv. 59 This wench, this vengeabill pest or traike.1739A. Nicol Poems (1766) 20 The meikle trake come o'er their snouts.1835Jamieson s.v., He that has nae gear will hae nae traik.
2. ‘The flesh of sheep that have died of disease or by accident’ (Jamieson).
1802Findlater Agric. Peebles xiv. 208 The sheep dying of disease are used as flesh meat, under the designation of traik.1815Pennecuik's Descr. Tweeddale Notes 95 The poor,..sluggish Tweeddale shepherd, fed with his dog upon traik (sheep that have died of some disease).
Hence ˈtraiky a., weak, worn out, fatigued.
1825Jamieson, Traik, traichie, weak, in a declining state.1846in Brockett N.C. Gloss (E.D.D.).1884J. Tait in United Presb. Mag. 157/2 Sometimes a treaky member of the flock can be utilized as food.
II. traik, v. Sc.|trek|
Also 6 trake, 6–9 traick.
[Goes app. with traik n., q.v.: origin uncertain, but cf. Sw. tråka to rub on, to tug, to drudge, Norw. traaka to struggle against, show disinclination to toil or work; to go with difficulty, go slowly, traakes to become tired or exhausted, traakall adj. unwilling, reluctant.]
1. intr. To decline in health, or be in declining health; to become worn out; to break down, collapse. Now rare.
1508[see traiked].1535Stewart Cron. Scot. (Rolls) I. 423 Ane seiknes that is into the heid, Without the soner that it get remeid,..The memberis all will rycht sone tyne and traik.1639R. Baillie Lett. 28 Sept., Many of them died; and..the most part of all who remained traicked pitifullie.1737Ramsay Sc. Prov. xiv. 118 He's the gear that winna traik.1834Carlyle in Froude 1st Forty Years (1882) II. xviii. 451 But for the kindness and helpfulness shown me on all hands I must have traiked.
2. To go idly about, to stroll; to wander, stray, go astray; to traik after, to come after, follow.
1818Scott Hrt. Midl. xxiv, There isna a hussy..that you can bring within your doors, but there will be chields..coming traiking after them for their destruction.1825Jamieson, Traik... To wander so as to lose one's self; chiefly applied to the young of poultry, Dumfr. Hence the..phrase, ‘He's nane o' the birds that traik’, he can take good care of him⁓self.1842J. Aiton Domest. Econ. (1857) 264 In half dozens they are tearing the thatch off the stacks, or they are ‘traicking’ through the corn-fields, each of them destroying with its feet quite as much as a sheep would eat.
Hence traiked, traikit, |ˈtrekɪd, -ɪt| ppl. a. Sc., (a) wasted; worn out; (b) of sheep or cattle: that has died a natural death; cf. braxy; ˈtraiking vbl. n., strolling, wandering, ‘walking out’.
1508Dunbar Flyting 118 Bot now, in winter, for purteth thow art traikit.1562in Keith Hist. Scot. (1734) App. 96 Be the tempestuous Stormis of the Winteris past, the hale Gudis wer sa trakit, smorit and deid, that [etc.].1585–6J. Melville Let. in Wodrow Soc. Misc. (1844) I. 439 Mr. Andrew has been a sore traicked man since he came home.a1598Rollock Serm. Wks. 1849 I. 437 The trakedest bodies that livis, even as gif they wer drawin throw an myre.c1680[F. Sempill] Banishm. Poverty 93, I call'd him Turk and traiked tyke.1825Jamieson, Trakit... 1. Sore fatigued. 2. Wasted, brought into a declining state by being overdriven, starved, or exposed to the inclemency of the weather.1828J. Struthers Hist. Scot. II. 625 To butcher-meat, except..drowned calves and traiked sheep..they were total strangers.1894Crockett Raiders xxxv, His night-hawk traikings and trokings with a dozen hizzies.




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