

单词 flannel
释义 I. flannel, n.|ˈflænəl|
Forms: 6–8, 9 (dial.) flan(n)en, 6–7 flan(n)ing, flan(n)ell, (7 flannion), 7, 9 (dial.) flannin, 8 Sc. flainen, 6– flannel.
[Of uncertain etymology. App. first recorded in Eng., whence the continental forms were prob. adopted: F. flanelle (late 17th c.), It. frannella, frenella, fiannella, Sp. flanela, franela, Pg. farinella (? influenced by farinha flour), Ger. flanell (1715), Du. flanel, flenel. As flannel was already in 16th c. a well-known production of Wales, a Welsh origin for the word seems antecedently likely. Some scholars have conjectured that the form flannen is the original, and is a corruption of Welsh gwlanen ‘a flannel’ (O. Pughe), f. gwlân wool (= Ir. olann:—OCeltic *ulanā:—older *wlanā). This is plausible, but involves some difficulties: the Welsh word is not originally a name for the material, but (as is indicated by its formation with the individualizing suffix -en) means literally an article or piece of material made of wool; and the assumed change of flannen into flannel is perh. less explicable than would be the contrary change, which might be ascribed to the analogy of linen, woollen. Another suggestion is that the word is an AF. diminutive of OF. flaine blanket or coverlet.]
1. a. An open woollen stuff, of various degrees of fineness, usually without a nap.
1503Privy Purse Exp. Eliz. of York (1830) 94 For iiij yerdes of fflanell..iiijs.a1586Sidney Arcadia ii. ii. §1 99 She found Dorus, apparelled in flanen.1597T. J. Serm. Paules C. 54 Thou shalt haue course flaning to be thy best attyre.1652Sessions Rec. Wenlock 9 Aug. in Jackson & Burne Shropsh. Folk-lore xxxii. (1883) 480 John Eavens badger of flanen.1677–8Marvell Corr. cccxxii. Wks. 1872–5 II. 581 Greater penaltyes upon those that do not bury in flannell.1704F. Fuller Med. Gymn. (1711) 212 Flannel is scarce necessary or convenient on this side old Age.1790Burns Tam o' Shanter 153 Had..their sarks, instead o' creeshie flannen, Been snaw-white seventeen hunder linnen!1849R. T. Claridge Cold Water-cure 69 Mr. Priessnitz expects all his patients to leave off wearing flannel..next to the body.1882Beck Draper's Dict. s.v. Flannel, Such [Flannels] as have the pile raised on one side..are termed Raised Flannels; when both sides are so covered they are Double-raised Flannels.
b. pl. Different kinds of flannel; flannel goods in general.
1581Act 23 Eliz. c. 9 §1 Logwood..wherewith divers Dyers..dye..Caps, Flannels.1643Prynne Open. Gt. Seale 21 All Worsteds and Flannins within these Townes and their Suburbs.1875Ure's Dict. Arts II. 401 In Ireland a few varieties of low flannels and coatings, called Galways, are manufactured from Irish grown wool.
c. With reference to the obligation of burying in woollen (18 & 19 Chas. II, c. 4): A shroud. Obs.
a1683Oldham Sat. in Poems & Transl. (1684) 174 He could not save Enough to purchase Flannel, and a Grave.1683Tryon Way to Health 320/1 If they escape the Wooden Tenement and Flannel.
d. Ludicrously used to designate a Welshman.
1598Shakes. Merry W. v. v. 172 I am not able to answer the Welsh flannel.
e. A piece of flannel (or other fabric) for washing the face or hands, etc., or washing the floor, etc.
1819Keats Let. 20 Sept. (1958) II. 201 The door steps always fresh from the flannel.1906Mrs. Beeton Househ. Managem. 1911 If there is much cheesy-looking substance on the body [of a newly born child] it may be removed with a little sweet oil, and then well soaped with a soft flannel.1914D. H. Lawrence Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd iii. 87 She takes a flannel and soap and towel.1926I. M. Peacocke His Kid Brother 10 He gasped and spluttered, as the inexorable soapy ‘flannel’ passed over his rosy face.1945Mencken Amer. Lang. Suppl. (1948) II. 486 Several English correspondents say that the English for wash-rag is really flannel, but others deny it.1962M. Duffy That's how it Was xxiii. 194 ‘I've soaped the flannel.’ I took it from her and..washed the pitiful back.
f. slang. Nonsense, ‘hot air’; flattery, unnecessary ostentation; (see also quot. 1943). (Cf. flannel-mouth (c) s.v. sense 6 and flannel v. d.)
1927Daily Express 11 Oct. 3/4 One day his sister died sudden. Up he comes to ask for fourteen days' leave..‘to mourn over the body..according to the Jewish faith’... The padre wired to a rabbi..and..it was all flannel..just flannel from beginning to end.1943Hunt & Pringle Service Slang 32 Flannel, honeyed words or small gifts made to N.C.O.s with intent to ask favours.1945Penguin New Writing XXIII. 49 The ship's company know what is coming. Jimmy the One is going to give us a pep talk. Tons of flannel.1958Sunday Times 9 Feb. 4/3 The only book I've read about flying that isn't flannel.1970Daily Tel. 17 Apr. 4 (Advt.), This coupon will bring you our ‘all facts—no flannel’ brochure telling you all about us.
2. pl.
a. Underclothing made of flannel; also, pieces of flannel used for bandages, etc.
1722De Foe Col. Jack (1840) 296 Having..my flannels taken off my legs.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. I. 17 Apr., She forgot to pack up my flannels.1841Emerson Nat., Conservative Wks. (Bohn) II. 274 A universe in slippers and flannels.
b. Garments of flannel, for boating, cricket etc.; spec. flannel trousers. to get or receive one's flannels (see quot. 1889).
1888J. Payn Myst. Mirbridge ix, He had worn cricketing flannels.1889Boy's Own Paper 24 Aug. 746/1 Careless schoolboys..lightly dressed in flannels.1889Barrère & Leland Slang, Flannels (Harrow), to get one's flannels is to obtain promotion to the school cricket, or football eleven.1911L. J. Vance Cynthia 145 The Brazilian had changed to a costume of white flannels, white shirt of silk, and white leather shoes.1935Discovery May 148/1 Two pairs of flannels were insufficient to prevent their [sc. mosquitoes'] drawing blood.1958I. Murdoch The Bell i. 19 He wore dark grey flannels and a white open⁓necked shirt.
c. sing. A person who has got his flannels as a member of the Harrow cricket or football team.
1901Harrovian 30 Mar. 35/1 In addition to the good batsmen we have among our old flannels, it seems likely that the Eleven will be stronger in batting than in bowling.1923Daily Mail 13 July 11 Unfortunately for Harrow, they have not the same eleven available. In fact, only two old ‘flannels’ are left.
3. (See quot.)
1884Knight Dict. Mech. IV. 346/1 Flannel, the first stage in the manufacture of plain cloth.
4. transf.
a. natural flannel (see quot. 1856).
b. In popular names of certain woolly-leaved plants: Poor Man's Flannel = Adam's flannel; Our Lord's Flannel or Our Saviour's Flannel: Ecticum vulgare (Britten & H.).
c. slang (see quot. 1823).
1823‘J. Bee’ Slang, Flannel (warm), grog, punch, or gin⁓twist, with a dash of beer in.1856Griffith & Henfrey Microgr. Dict. 265 Flannel, Natural, a harsh fibrous texture, sometimes found covering meadows, rocks, etc., after an inundation. It consists of the interwoven filaments of Confervæ, with adherent or entangled Diatomaceæ, Infusoria, crystals of carbonate of lime, etc.
5. attrib. or adj.
a. Made of flannel.
1585Higins Junius' Nomenclator 164 A flanell peticoate.1611Florio, Bambagina, bumbasine. Also a flanell wast⁓cote.1618R. Brathwait Rem. after Death, Descr. Death v, He weares No mantle, flanning trowses.a1700? Dryden Suum cuique In flannen robes the coughing ghost does walk.1758Newport (R.I.) Mercury 26 Dec. 3/1 An old brown Jacket, a Flannel Jacket and Flannel Shirts.1784Johnson Let. to Mrs. Thrale 9 Feb., I have just be⁓spoke a flannel dress.1857Hughes Tom Brown ii. viii, In white flannel shirt and trousers.1905Grand. Mag. I. 116 The Duke's flannel suit.1908[see Ascot].1915T. S. Eliot Prufrock (1917) 15, I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.1946J. Irving Royal Navalese 76 ‘Have you got flannel ears?’ is a rather brutal way of saying ‘Can't you pay attention?’
b. In nonce-uses: Resembling flannel.
1764Walpole Lett. (1820) III. 9, I have little fevers every night, which bid me repair to a more flannel climate.1795Wolcott (P. Pindar) Pindariana Wks. 1812 IV. 186 A pair of flannel cheeks composed her face.
6. attrib. and comb. as flannel dance, flannel-maker, flannel trade, flannel-weaver, flannel-weaving; also flannel-clad, flannel-slacked, flannel-suited adjs.; flannel-act (cf. 1 c); flannel-cake, a kind of thin griddle-cake; flannel-flower, -plant, (a) the mullein; (b) an Australian plant, Actinotus helianthi, the involucre of which resembles a snipped piece of white flannel; hence flannel-leaf; flannelgraph, a sheet of flannel to which (paper or cloth) cut-outs will adhere, used as a teaching aid; flannel-mouth, (a) a large species of cat-fish common in North American rivers, esp. the Mississippi and the Great Lakes; (b) any of various grunts of the genus Hæmulon or Bathystoma found off the south Atlantic coast of North America and having the inside of the mouth red, esp. the tomtate (B. aurolineatum); (c) U.S. fig., used contemptuously of a person; in later quots. spec. a braggart or empty talker, a flatterer (cf. 1 f and flannel v. d); so flannel-mouthed adj.; flannel rash (see quot.); flannel-weed, some water-plant.
1678T. Jones Of Heart & Soveraign 403 (By a Canonical *Flannel Act) [it] must be buried out of the way, as useless.
1792Munchhausen's Trav. xxix. 131 Ten thousand thousand Naples biscuits, crackers, buns, and *flannel-cakes.1847‘H. Franco’ Trippings Tom Pepper I. 112 A very delicate species of food, which I tasted then for the first time, called flannel cakes.1909‘O. Henry’ Options (1916) 212 We..then parted, after Château Margaux, Irish stew, flannel-cakes, [etc.].
1885Warren & Cleverly Wand. Beetle 59 The Beetle and her *flannel-clad crew.189819th Cent. Dec. 993 Its [sc. Oxford's] sun⁓burnt, flannel-clad youth.
1948J. Betjeman Coll. Poems (1958) 153 Alfred Brown Remembers courting days in Gospel Oak And takes her to the *Flannel Dance.
1895J. H. Maiden Flowering Plants N.S.W. i. 9 We only know one truly local name for this plant, and that is the ‘*Flannel Flower’.1911A. E. Mack Bush Days 29 The summer flowers—the Christmas bells, Christmas bush, and flannel flowers.
1944Guatemala News Oct.–Nov. 28 An interest aroused among the Sunday School teachers in the use of *flannelgraph materials.1955E. Blishen Roaring Boys iii. 119 The flannelgraph..was a large sheet of flannel that, after some difficulty with drawing-pins, he managed to attach to the blackboard.1968Listener 27 June 844/2 Glimpses of the evangelism of the street corner, of ‘flannelgraph’ classes for children.
1821Clare Vill. Minstr. I. 114 Antique mullein's *flannel-leaves.
1702Lond. Gaz. No. 3776/4 John Judd..*Flannel-maker.
1882Jordan & Gilbert in Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. XVI. 108 I. lacustris (Walbaum)..Cat-fish of the Lakes; Great Fork-tailed Cat; Mississippi Cat; Florida Cat; *Flannel-mouth Cat... Abundant in all large bodies of water. One of the largest of the cat-fishes, reaching a weight of 100 pounds.[Ibid. 882 On page 108, instead of Ictalurus lacustris, read:..I. nigricans (Le S.).]1884G. B. Goode Nat. Hist. Aquatic Anim. I §133. 398 Several species of small fish, belonging to the genus Diabasis..are distinguished by the brilliant red color of the inside of the mouth and throat, from which they have sometimes been called Red Mouths, or Flannel Mouths.1912T. Dreiser Financier 8 You do, and I'll kick your head off, you flannel mouth.1929A. Ellis Life 202 George starts to complain that it was run by a bunch of ‘flannel mouths’.1933Amer. Speech VIII. iv. 51/1 [In Nebraska] a flannel mouth was one who talked much with little sense or who was a braggart.1966Publ. Amer. Dial. Soc. 1964 XLII. 39 Chaw-mouth..refers to the Irishman's talkativeness and parallels the more common flannel-mouth.
1884G. B. Goode Nat. Hist. Aquatic Anim. I §133. 398 The Red-mouth Grunt, Diabasis aurolineatus, is probably the ‘*Flannel⁓mouthed Porgy’, familiar to Florida fishermen.1893Funk's Stand. Dict. I. 690/3 Flannel⁓mouthed. 1. Having a large mouth. 2. (Slang.) Talking thickly or with a brogue; also loud-mouthed.1934Webster Flannel-mouthed, orig., talking thickly with or as with a brogue; now, smooth-spoken; oily-tongued;—often contemptuous.
1848W. A. Bromfield in Phytologist III. 598 Verbascum thapsus..from the texture of the leaves known here [Hampshire] sometimes as the ‘*flannel-plant’.
1888W. A. Jamieson Dis. Skin iii. (1891) 41 The ‘*flannel rash’ which Hutchinson and others have noticed on the chest..is another instance of an eruption due to clothing.
1948J. Betjeman Coll. Poems (1958) 180 Her sturdy legs were *flannel-slack'd.
1917S. McKenna Sonia vii. §3. 297 A group of barristers, *flannel-suited for the Long Vacation.
1879Encycl. Brit. IX. 292/1 Blankets, a special branch of the *flannel trade.
Ibid. Nearly the whole population..finds occupation in *flannel weaving.
1893Pall Mall G. 10 July 10/3 The rains..have put a little more water into the river, and there is not so much *flannel weed to contend with.
II. flannel, v.|ˈflænəl|
[f. prec. n.]
trans. a. To wrap in flannel. b. To rub with flannel.
1836–9Dickens Sk. Boz, Parish vi, The children were yellow-soaped and flannelled.Ibid., Tales i, The second-floor front was scrubbed, and washed, and flannelled.
c. intr. To put on flannels.
1919W. T. Grenfell Labrador Doctor (1920) ii. 19 Each boy..had to ‘flannel’ and run round the Aylesbury Arms.
d. slang. To flatter, curry favour; so flannelling vbl. n. (Cf. flannel n. 1 f.)
1941New Statesman 30 Aug. 218/3 (list of war slang) Flannel—To flatter.1945Partridge Dict. R.A.F. Slang 26 To flannel; flannelling: (to use) flattering or wheedling words.1957J. Braine Room at Top v. 46, I managed to flannel him into the belief that I approved of his particular brand of efficiency.
Hence ˈflannelled ppl. a.
1778H. More Let. (1834) I. i. iv. 136 The doctor..consented on condition that I should be well furred and flannelled.1784J. Belknap Belknap Papers (1877) I. 383 She knows what it is to tend a flannelled pair of legs and hands.a1845Hood To Grimaldi i, Joseph! they say thou'st left the stage, To..taste the flannell'd ease of age.189819th Cent. XLIV. 994 The single..trotting figures of flannelled men.1902Kipling Five Nations (1903) 135 Then ye contented your souls With the flannelled fools at the wicket or the muddied oafs at the goals.1967T. C. Worsley (title) Flannelled fool.




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