

单词 falsify
释义 I. ˈfalsify, n. Fencing. Obs.
[f. next vb. (sense 7).]
The action of ‘falsifying’ a blow; a feint.
1621Quarles Argalus & P. (1678) 116 Amphialus..let flie A down-right blow; but with a falsifie Reverst the stroke.1635Shirley Coronat. i. i, A falsify may spoil his cringe, Or making of a leg.
II. falsify, v.|ˈfɔːlsɪfaɪ, ˈfɒlsɪfaɪ|
Also 5–7 falsifie, 6 falcefy, falsefye, -ifye.
[ad. Fr. falsifier, ad. late L. falsificāre, f. L. falsific-us making false, f. falsus false: see -fy.]
1. trans. To make false or incorrect.
a. To alter fraudulently; to introduce false matter into or give an incorrect version of (a document, etc.).
1502Ord. Crysten Men (W. de W. 1506) iv. viii. 188 To falsefye the lettres of the pope.1527R. Thorne in Hakluyt Voy. (1589) 256 Those they haue falsefied of late purposely.1651Hobbes Leviath. iii. xxxiii. 204 They did not therefore falsifie the Scriptures.1741tr. D'Argens' Chinese Lett. v. 28 Funeral Orations had contributed very much to falsify History.1831Brewster Newton (1855) II. xx. 237 He..falsified the document by the substitution of a paragraph.a1832Mackintosh Rise & Fall Struensee Wks. 1846 II. 396 Accused..of having falsified the public accounts.
b. To give a false account of; to misrepresent.
1630Prynne Anti-Armin. 118 Which falsifies the eternal truth.a1641Bp. R. Montagu Acts & Mon. (1642) 152 Aemylius Probus mistook, or falsifies Thucydides.1711Steele Spect. No. 252 ⁋1 Good-breeding has made the Tongue falsify the Heart.1847Emerson Repr. Men, Napoleon Wks. (Bohn) I. 379 He sat..in his lonely island, coldly falsifying facts and dates.
absol.1779Johnson 10 Oct. in Boswell, Lord Bathurst did not intentionally falsify.1824Dibdin Libr. Comp. 510 Not that Johnson designedly falsified.1868Browning Ring & Bk. i. 217, I falsified and fabricated.
c. To assert falsely. Obs.
1606G. W[oodcocke] tr. Ivstin 24 b, How they might take away his life, either by treason to be falsified against him, or [etc.].
d. To adulterate. Also of disease: To corrupt, vitiate. Obs.
1562Act 5 Eliz. c. 11 §1 Divers..Persons..diminish, impair and falsify the Monies and Coins current within this Realm.1634W. Tirwhyt tr. Balzac's Lett. 385 Those who..falsifie Merchandizes.1656Manasseh ben Israel Vind. Judæorum in Phenix (1708) II. 421 Verdigrease..all falsify'd with earth.1658A. Fox Wurtz' Surg. iii. vi. 233 By diseases the joint water or radical humor is falsified.
e. To make (a balance or standard) untrue.
1611Bible Amos viii. 5 Falsifying the balances by deceit.a1848R. W. Hamilton Rew. & Punishm. viii. (1853) 404 We are not compelled to falsify our standards.
f. To alter or pervert from correct rule.
1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie ii. (Arb.) 94 There can not be..a fowler fault, then to falsifie his accent to serue his cadence.1841D'Israeli Amen. Lit. (1867) 475 He [Spenser] falsified accentuation, to adapt it to his metre.
g. To make unsound.
1868M. Pattison Academ. Org. 6 An unhappy spirit..falsified the relation between the parties.
h. Used by Dryden in avowed imitation of It. falsare: (see quot.).
1697Dryden Virg. æneid ix. 1093 His ample shield Is falsify'd, and round with jav'lins fill'd.Ibid., note, I use the word falsify in this place to mean that the shield of Turnus was not of proof against the spears and javelins of the Trojans.
a. To produce a counterfeit of; to counterfeit.
b. To get up in imitation of something else. Obs.
a.1601Holland Pliny II. 613 After that crystall was once found out, they deuised to sophisticat and falsifie other gems therewith.1699M. Lister Journ. Paris 124 They stampt and falsified the best ancient Medals so well.
b.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xxv. (Arb.) 310 The Lapidarie [counterfeits] pearles and pretious stones by glasse and other substances falsified, and sophisticate by arte.
3. To declare or prove to be false.
c1449Pecock Repr. i. x. 50 To falsifie this present xiij⊇ conclusioun.1570–6Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1826) 221 He shall have cause neither to falsifie the one opinion lightly nor [etc.].1805T. Jefferson Writ. (1830) IV. 42 No man can falsify any material fact here stated.1849Stovel Canne's Necess. Introd. 9 Relinquishing all claim to respect by falsifying their own affirmations.1876Mozley Univ. Serm. i. (1877) 23 The rights of conscience belong so much to the morality of society now, that they must falsify any moral creed opposed to them.
b. esp. in Law (see quots.). to falsify a doom (Sc.): = to false a doom; see false v. 5.
1574tr. Littleton's Tenures 33 a, It shall not lye in the mouthe of the tenaunte to falsifye or defete the recoverie which was againste his Lord.1628Coke On Litt. 104 b, To falsifie in legall understanding is to prove false, that is, to avoid or..to defeat.1642tr. Perkins's Prof. Bk. v. §382. 165 His wife shall falsifie this recovery in a writ of dower.1817W. Selwyn Law Nisi Prius (ed. 4) II. 945 The sentence was conclusive evidence to falsify the warranty.1854J. W. Smith Man. Equity 210 To give liberty to..falsify the account.
c. To fail in fulfilling, or prevent the fulfilment of (a prediction, expectation, etc.).
1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, i. ii. 235 By so much shall I falsifie mens hopes.a1719Addison Evid. Christ. viii. (1730) 66 Jews and Pagans united all their endeavours..to baffle and falsify the prediction.1851W. Collins Rambles beyond Railw. vii. (1852) 124 The prognostications of our Cornish friends were pleasantly falsified.1884L'pool Daily Post 10 July 5 To consider..whether we are contented to falsify his high regard for us.
4. intr. To make a false representation or statement; to deal in falsehoods. Obs.
1629tr. Herodian (1635) 112 Iulian was contemned by the Souldiery, for falsifying with them.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. ii. 6 His wisdome will hardly permit him to falsifie with the Almighty.1702Eng. Theophrast. 338 The practice of falsifying with men will lead us on insensibly to a double-dealing with God himself.1748Richardson Clarissa (1811) III. xxxiii. 197 Would you either falsify or prevaricate?1777Sheridan Sch. Scand. ii. ii, To propagate a malicious truth wantonly is more despicable than to falsify from revenge.
5. trans. To prove false to, fail to keep; to break, violate (one's faith, word, etc.). Obs.
1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 585/1, I shall..finde Tindal himself so good a felow, as to falcefy his own wordes here & beare a poore man company.1590Greene Never too Late (1600) 111 æneas..falsified his faith to Dido.1670Milton Hist. Eng. v. Wks. (1851) 204 Falsifying that Oath, by night with all the Horse they had..stole to Exeter.
6. intr. To prove faint; to fail, give way. Obs.
1668Pepys Diary 27 Aug., My heart beginning to falsify in this business.
7. Fencing. To feign (a blow); to make (a blow) under cover of a feint. Also absol. Obs.
1595Saviolo Practice, Rapier & Dagger i, If you perceiue..that he go about to falsifie vpon you..put your selfe in your ward.1600Fairfax Tasso vi. xlii. 102 Now strikes he out, and now he falsifieth.1611Beaum. & Fl. King & No King i. i, Tigranes falsified a blow at your Leg, which you..avoided.1625K. Long tr. Barclay's Argenis ii. x. 94 One of them making offer at his necke with a Halbert, and falsifying his blowe, hit him under the short ribbe.a1680Butler Rem. (1759) I. 219 As th' are wont to falsify a Blow.
Hence ˈfalsified ppl. a., ˈfalsifying vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 978 They do defile and blemish the wordes of God which deck them with strange and falsified titles.1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1638) 292 Your falsified faith.1648Milton Tenure Kings (1650) 2 With the falsifi'd name of Loyalty, to colour over base compliances.1886Pall Mall G. 1 July 6/1 The falsified prediction is a good omen.
1565Jewel Def. Apol. ii. 178 Lies, Corruptions, and Falsifieinges.1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 78 Cloth, which by reason of exceeding falsifying and deernesse of ours, groweth every day into more and more request.1652Urquhart Jewel Wks. (1834) 222 He shewed such excellent dexterity in warding the other's blows, slighting his falsifyings.1680Boyle Produc. Chem. Princ. Pref. 14 Purifying it..from the falsifying alloy.a1700B. E. Dict. Cant. Crew, Feinting or Falsifying.




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