

单词 extenuation
释义 extenuation|ɛkˌstɛnjuːˈeɪʃən|
[ad. L. extenuātiōn-em, n. of action f. extenuāre to extenuate. Cf. F. exténuation.]
The action of extenuating; extenuated condition.
1. The action or process of making or becoming thin; an instance of this; a shrunken condition; leanness, emaciation.
1576Baker Jewell of Health 171 a, This mightily helpeth the extenuation of members.1655Culpepper Riverius i. v. 19 A yong man..had an extenuation for want of nourishment in his Limbs.1707Floyer Physic. Pulse-Watch 183 Galen commends tepid Baths for..curing all Extenuations.1781Johnson Let. Mrs. Thrale 27 Oct., The extenuation is her only bad symptom.1825Scott Betrothed xxx, The female..exhibited..some symptoms of extenuation.1828Biog. in Ann. Reg. 474/2 Some pallid from extenuation.
2. Making less dense; rarefaction (of air).
1655–60Stanley Hist. Philos. (1701) 64/2 Winds proceed from extenuation of the Air, by the Sun.
3. The action or process of making slender or diminishing in bulk; an instance of this. Obs.
1619Donne Serm. xiv. 140 All Dilatation is some degree of Extenuation.1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 186 The Sea is the same at all seasons; what it gets by Rivers and showers, losing by exhalations and extenuations through the excessive heats..within the Torrid Zone.1777Priestley Matt. & Spir. (1782) I. xix. 229 Gregory the Great..says that God penetrates everything without extenuation.
fig.1627Bp. Hall Holy Observ. 63 No lesse well doth God take these submisse extenuations of our selues.
4. The action of making less or weak; an instance of this; a weakening, impoverishment. Also mitigation (of blame or punishment). Obs.
1542–3Act 34–5 Hen. VIII, c. 18 The saide citie is much decaid..not a little to the extenuacion of that part of this realme.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, iii. ii. 22 Such extenuation let me begge, As in reproofe of many Tales deuis'd..I may..Finde pardon on my true submission.1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I (1655) 1 The gallantry of Henry's heroique spirit tended somewhat to the..extenuation of Charles his glory.1707Atterbury Serm. v. (1723) II. 159 What Deeds of Charity we have to alledge in Extenuation of our Punishment.
5. The action of representing (something) as slight and trifling; underrating; an instance of this, a plea to this end; a modification in terms.
1614Bp. Hall Recoll. Treat. 209 Sometimes..wee humble ourselves lower than there is cause..And no lesse well doth God take these submisse extenuations of our selves.1621Burton Anat. Mel. ii. i. iv. ii. 228 Through their..extenuation [of their grievance], wretchedness and peevishness they undo themselves.1722De Foe Plague (1840) 6 Many died of it every day, so that now all our extenuations abated.1859Mill Liberty ii. (1865) 13/2 The utmost they allow is an extenuation of its absolute necessity.
b. Rhet.
1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xix. (Arb.) 227 We call him the Disabler or figure of Extenuation.1657J. Smith Myst. Rhet. 56 When for extenuation sake we use a lighter and more easie word or terme then the matter requires.1706in Phillips.1823in Crabb Technol. Dict.
6. The action of lessening, or seeking to lessen, the guilt of (an offence or fault) by alleging partial excuses; an instance or means of doing this; a plea in mitigation of censure. Also in extenuation of.
1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxvii. 156 Extenuation, by which the Crime, that seemed great, is made lesse.a1674Clarendon Surv. Leviath. (1676) 180 He..was to find excuses and extenuations for sins.1712Addison Spect. No. 297 ⁋1 Whatever may be said for the Extenuation of such Defects.1750Johnson Rambler No. 39 ⁋7 It may be urged, in extenuation of this crime..that [etc.].1839Mackintosh Eth. Philos. Wks. 1846 I. 28 In extenuation of a noble error.a1832Bentham Wks. (1843) I. 174 The differences of castes..furnish a copious stock of extenuations..to different classes of offences.
7. U.S. Used humorously in pl. for: Thin garments.
1881G. W. Cable in Scribner's Mag. May 23 They were clad in silken extenuations from the throat to the feet.1883Pall Mall G. 12 Sept. 2/2 One side wore..extenuations of a..green colour.




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