

单词 testate
释义 I. testate, a.1 and n.|ˈtɛstət|
[ad. L. testāt-us, pa. pple. of testārī (also testāre) to bear witness, attest, make one's will, etc.]
A. adj.
1. That has left a valid will at death.
1475Rolls of Parlt. VI. 139/1 Persones diyng Testate and Intestate.1589Warner Alb. Eng. v. xxvii. (1612) 136 Nor all die testate.1726Ayliffe Parergon 132 The lawful Distribution of the Goods of Persons dying both Testate and Intestate.1906Times 27 July 3/6 He clearly desired when he died to die testate and not intestate.
2. transf. Disposed of or settled by will. testate duty, succession duty on an estate passing by will.
1792J. Belknap Hist. New Hampsh. III. 273 All matters relative to the settlement and descent of estates, testate and intestate.1875Poste Gaius ii. Comm. (ed. 2) 229 His succession was partly intestate, partly testate.1880Gladstone Sp. Ho. Comm. 15 Mar., Between 1,000l. and 1,500l. the old testate duty was 30l.; the new..is to be 31l.
B. n.
1. One who has given testimony; a witness; also (app.) testimony, evidence. Obs.
1619R. Brathwait New Spring C ij b, When thousand Testates shall produced be, For to disclose their close hypocrisie.1624Heywood Captives iii. ii. in Bullen O. Pl. IV. 162 Is thy hart sear'd..Against just testates and apparent truthes?1635Hierarch. vi. 357 The Stoicks Testates were to that Conviction.1652J. Wright tr. Camus' Nat. Paradox a j, Reader, this Testate is just.
2. The final protocol of a royal writ; = teste2 2.
a1604Hanmer Chron. Irel. (1809) 345 He granted a Charter to the towne of Kilkenny..with the testate of Thomas Fitz Antony.1641Earl of Monmouth tr. Biondi's Civil Warres i. 3 Such gifts being of no validity without a testate of the great Seale.
3. One who at death has left a valid will.
1864in Webster.1871Daily News 21 Apr. 2 To place all personal property, whether of testates or intestates, on the same scale..of a 2 per cent. duty.
II. testate, a.2|ˈtɛsteɪt|
[f. as testacean a.: see -ate2.]
= testacean a., testaceous a. 2.
1947Ann. Rev. Microbiol. I. 4 In the testate Pontigulasia vas, a hypothecal layer of endosomal granules or plaques disappears during the anaphase and reappears during the telophase.1978Bio Systems X. 79/2 The Foraminifera appear to have had an origin in organisms similar to the testate amoebae.
III. testate, v. rare.|ˈtɛsteɪt|
[f. ppl. stem of L. testārī (or -āre): see testate a.1 and n. and -ate3 5.]
1. intr. To bear witness, to testify, to attest.
1624Heywood Gunaik. i. 2 As Epiphanius testates of him.Ibid. 15 In Bauron..she was likewise honoured, and as Lucan testates, in Taurus, a mountaine in Sicilie.1908Westm. Gaz. 22 July 9/4 Prisoner was also charged with..forging the handwriting of the testating witness to the same deed.
2. To make one's will.
1892Pall Mall G. 21 June 2/1 As good Mdme. Dubrai remarked whilst testating, with tears in her eyes, ‘He [a cat] has all his life been accustomed to his little luxuries’.




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