

单词 privily
释义 privily, adv. Now arch. or literary.|ˈprɪvɪlɪ|
Forms as in privy (also 4–6 priva-, preva-, 5 pryva-, 6 Sc. preeve-, Sc. prefa-); with 3–4 -liche, 4–5 -lich; 4–5 north. -lik, -like; 4– -ly (4 -li, -le, 4–6 -lie).
[f. privy a. + -ly2.]
1. In a privy manner; not openly or publicly; secretly, privately; stealthily; craftily.
c1290Beket 25 in S. Eng. Leg. I. 107 Priueliche heo dude for Gilebert Auantages manie and fele.a1300Cursor M. 11152 (Cott.) He..tok his redd al for to fle Priuelik [v.rr. preuili, previly] and latt hir be.13..Rule St. Benet 20 Priuelike man sal amoneste þam, þat tay amende þaim.c1386Chaucer Frankl. T. 388 His brother weepe and wayled pryuely [v.rr. pryuyly, priuyly, prively, priuely].c1460Towneley Myst. xx. 737 Wold ye thus preualy morder a man?1480Caxton Chron. Eng. ii. 5 Preuelich he went hym from the kynges court.1526Tindale John vii. 10 Then went he also vppe vnto the feast, nott openly: but as it were preuely [Wyclif in pryuei, 1611 in secret].1535Stewart Cron. Scot. (Rolls) I. 179 Ȝit prefalie on ȝow tha wan the feild.1539Bible (Gr.) Matt. i. 19 He was mynded preuely to departe from her [Tindale to put her awaye secretly, 1611 priuily].1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 45 That nothing of Luthers..be taught priuely or openly.1582Stanyhurst æneis iii. (Arb.) 72 This Polydor..Preeuelye by Priamus..Too king Treicius was sent.1688Evelyn Mem. 2 Dec., The Prince of Wales and greate treasure sent privily to Portsmouth.1869Freeman Norm. Conq. III. xiii. 257 He took him aside, and told him the news privily and briefly.1884Tennyson Falcon i. i. 41, I left it privily At Florence, in her palace.
b. Closely, so as to conceal. Obs. rare—1.
c1440Alphabet of Tales 150 He..putt þaim in small boystis, & selid þaim privalie & gaff þaim; and þai tuke þaim.
2. In a private station or rank. Obs. rare.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) III. 139 Þan þe kyng..ȝaf his douȝter to a symple knyȝt þat was priueleche i-bore.




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