

单词 whrine
释义 whrine, v. Sc. Obs.
In 6 quhryn(e, whryne.
[a. OScand. *hwrīna (ON. hrína, Norw. rina; ENorw. and Swed. dial. vrina; with normal disappearance of w in West and h in East Scand.).]
intr. To whine; to squeak.
1508Dunbar Testament 87 War I a dog and he a swyne,..I suld ger that lurdane quhryne.1513Douglas æneis v. Prol. 32 Thairon aucht na man irk, complene, nor quhryne.1549Compl. Scot. vi. 39 The suyne began to quhryne.16..Montgomerie's Flyting 440 (Harl. MS.) As they could they maid it whryne.
Hence whrine n., whining, querulous cry.
1513Douglas æneis vii. i. 36 The birsit baris and beris in thair styis Roring all wod with quhrynis and wyld cryis.




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