

单词 prisage
释义 I. prisage1 Now Hist.|ˈpraɪzədʒ|
Also 7 pry-, prisadge, 7–9 prizage.
[f. as prec. + -age.
Spelman mentions a med. (Anglo-) L. prisāgium ‘jus prisas capiendi vel ipse actus’, which may have been the immediate source.]
1. An ancient custom levied upon imported wine; in later times correlated to and often identified with butlerage 1. (Abolished 1809 by 49 Geo. III. c. 98 §35.)
For the nature of the impost, its changes, and its relation to butlerage, see Hubert Hall Hist. Customs (1885) II. 90 et seq. ‘The ‘Butlerage’ was..the commutation of the prizage into a petty custom, and was paid by aliens alone, who consequently paid no prizage. Prizage was the ancient toll in kind retained for choice by natives, who therefore paid no butlerage, as it was afterwards called’ (H. Hall in Antiquary (1882) VI. 230/2).
1505in Facsimiles Nat. MSS. i. (1865) 71 Rec. of William Spencer for buttlerage & prisage of the porte of Ippyswiche Cxij s. vj d.1588–9Act 31 Eliz. c. 5 §4 Any Offence..committed..for the concealinge or defraudinge the Quenes Majestie..of any Custome Tonnage Pondage Subsidie Ymposte or Prisage.1655Cal. State Papers, Domestic (1882) 46 Your late Declaration reviving the Act for Prizage of Wines will ruin us unless suspended.1682Luttrell Brief Rel. (1857) I. 230 They have a right by prescription to appoint and alter markets in the said citty [London], and to ascertain tolls and prisages therein.1736Carte Ormonde II. 219 The Marquis [of Ormond] did not esteem any part of his revenue so much as he did that which arose from the prisage of wines.1757Burke Abridgm. Eng. Hist. iii. ii. Wks. X. 400 The last general head of his [the king's] revenue were the customs, prisages, and other impositions upon trade.1812J. Smyth Pract. of Customs (1821) 278 Wine entered for prisage; of the Cape of Good Hope; in a British-built Ship, the tun 12 19 0; in a Foreign Ship, the tun 14 0 0.1832Act 2 & 3 Will. IV, c. 84 §40 For..Surrender of the Estate, Right, Title, and Interest..in the..Duties of Prisage and Butlerage within the said County Palatine [Lancashire].1882[see prec.].
b. Short for prisage wine: see c. Obs.
c1525in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 292 The commene wyne callid prisage.
c. attrib. and Comb., as prisage fund, prisage lease, prisage wine.
1586J. Hooker Hist. Irel. in Holinshed II. 139/1 Also that they haue the prisage wines and the iurisdiction of the admeraltie, within the limits of the said riuer.1601F. Tate Househ. Ord. Edw. II §66 (1876) 47 Let him presently cause the prisage wines & the wines he hath bought, presentli to be caried & lodged.1619in N. Eng. Hist. & Gen. Reg. XLVII. 128, I give unto my daughter..one sixteenth part of the ‘prysadge’ lease and unto my son..the other sixteenth part of the same prysadge lease I now hold, which prysadge lease I did put my husband..to buy for me.1902Daily Chron. 25 Oct. 7/5 The Prisage Fund is, I believe, now represented by real estate—about 3,020 acres, producing a present gross rental of {pstlg}2,597 per annum, the net rental being {pstlg}2,126.
2. (See quots.)
1607Cowell Interpr., Prisage, seemeth to be that custome or share, that belongeth to the King out of such merchandize, as are taken at sea, by way of lawfull prize, anno 31 Eliz. cap. 5.1670Blount Law Dict., Prisage, is that Custom or Share, that belongs to the King, or Lord Admiral, out of such Merchandises as are taken at Sea, by way of lawfull Prize, which is usually a Tenth part.1848–83in Wharton Law Lex.
(But this seems to be merely a conjecture of Cowell, accepted as fact by his successors and handed down in the law dictionaries. Act 31 Eliz. c. 5, referred to by Cowell, contains nothing about prizes taken at sea, but mentions prisage, app. in sense 1: see quot. 1588–9 there.)
II. prisage2 Obs. rare—0.
[a. obs. F. prisage, f. priser to prise, reckon, value: see prize v. and -age.]
Valuation, appraisement. (Perh. only a misuse of the word by Cotgr.)
1611Cotgr., Prisage, a prisage, prising, praising, rating, valuing.




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