

单词 disunite
释义 I. disunite, v.|dɪsjuːˈnaɪt|
[f. dis- 6 + unite.]
1. trans. To undo the union of; to disjoin:
a. from material union.
1598Florio, Disgiongere..to disioyne, to disunite, to deuide.a1631Donne in Select. (1840) 178 A corner-stone, that unites things most disunited.1725Pope Odyss. iii. 582 The beast they then divide, and disunite The ribs and limbs.1830Lyell Princ. Geol. (1875) I. ii. xvii. 406 The Alkali, when disunited from the Silica, would readily be dissolved.
b. (more frequently) from immaterial union; To separate from alliance, conjoint action, etc.; to set at variance, alienate.
1560[see disunited below].1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. ii. iii. 109 Their fraction is more our wish than their faction; but it was a strong counsell that a Foole could disunite.1641Milton Reform. ii. (1851) 55 Goe on both hand in hand, O Nations never to be dis-united.1685Dryden Albion & Albanus ii. Wks. 1883 VII. 257 Disturb their union, disunite their love.1794Southey Wat Tyler ii. i, They will use every art to disunite you..Whom in a mass they fear.1852C. M. Yonge Cameos (1877) IV. v. 62 That her father was not disunited from his first wife.
2. intr. (for refl.) To sever or separate oneself; to part; to fall or come asunder.
1675G. R. tr. Le Grand's Man Without Passion 146 The Spirit must disunite from the senses.a1716South (J.), The several joints of the body politick do separate and disunite.1818Shelley Rosalind & Helen 984 Strains of harmony, That mingle in the silent sky, Then slowly disunite.1827Aikman Hist. Scot. III. iv. 435 The supplicants..refused to disunite.
3. Manège. (See quots.)
1727Bailey vol. II. s.v., (With Horsemen) A Horse is said to disunite, that drags his Haunches, that Gallops false.1833Regul. Instr. Cavalry i. 57 Cantering with the near fore, followed by the off hind, or off fore, followed by the near hind, is ‘disunited’.
Hence disuˈnited ppl. a. (whence disuˈnitedly adv.): disuˈniting vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1560Whitehorne Arte Warre (1573) 19 a, The disunited and discencious do agree.1611Florio, Disunimento, a disuniting.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xviii. 88 The confusion of a disunited Multitude.1680S. Mather Iren. 16 The severity of this dis-uniting principle.1844Thirlwall Greece VIII. 21 A number of feeble disunited hordes.1854J. S. C. Abbott Napoleon (1855) II. xxvi. 490 The disuniting of the army.1871R. Ellis Catullus lxiii. 84 So in ire she spake, adjusting disunitedly then her yoke.
II. disuˈnite, ppl. a. Obs.
[Short for disunited, after L. unītus united.]
= disunited.
1642H. More Song of Soul iii. ii. xviii, Sith the soul from them is disunite.




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