

单词 dinmont
释义 dinmont Sc. and north. dial.|ˈdɪnmənt|
Forms: 5 dymmond, 6 dilmond, dynmonthe, 9 dinman, dinment, dimment, dinmond, dynmont, 6– dinmont.
[Etymology obscure: the second syllable looks like ‘month’ as in towmont twelvemonth, but the first is unexplained.]
The name given in Scotland, and the Border counties of England, to a wether between the first and second shearing.
1424Sc. Acts Jas. I (1814) 4 (Jam.) Item, Gymmer, Dyn⁓mont, or Gaitis, ilk ane to xiid.1494Act. Dom. Conc. 353 (Jam.) Vijxx of gymmeris and dymmondis.1542Wills & Inv. N.C. (Surtees 1835) 119, I yeue vnto saynt cuthb'te guild a dynmonthe or ellis the price.1549Compl. Scot. vi. 66 The laif of ther fat flokkis follouit..gylmyrs and dil⁓mondis.1584Vestry Bks. (Surtees) 18 Item at Shaudforthe a weather, a yowe, a dinmont, and ij lams.1791–2Statist. Acc. Berw. III. 155 (Jam.) When they are 18 months old, after the first fleece is taken off..they are called dimmotts.1814Scott Wav. xi, Killancureit talked..of top-dressing and bottom-dressing, and year-olds, and gimmers, and din⁓monts.1892Northumbld. Gloss. 236 A lamb is called a hog in autumn, and after the first shearing of the new year, a dinmont if it be a male sheep, and a gimmer if an ewe.




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