

单词 determ
释义 deˈterm, v. Obs.
[f. de- prefix + term, after L. dētermināre: cf. also OF. termer to end, fix. determine.]
By-form of determine v.
1423Jas. I Kingis Q. xiii, Determyt furth therewith in myn entent..I tuke conclusion Sum new thing to write.1513Douglas æneis x. v. 62 Bot Turnus hes determit, as certane thing, Gret garnysonys to send betwix thame sone.1533Bellenden Livy v. (1822) 418 The Faderis..determit to abide on the returning of thare legatis fra the tempil of Delphos.1535Coverdale Dan. ix. 24 LXX wekes are determed ouer thy people and ouer thy holy cite.1551Turner Herbal i. (1568) D vj b, I dare not plainly determe, that it was the right clematitis.1573Twyne æneid xii. Kk iv b, Therwith I am determd.1647H. More Song of Soul ii. i. ii. lix, For to determ The hid conditions of vitalitie.
Hence deˈterming vbl. n.
1535Coverdale 1 Esdras ix. 17 And so the matter was a determynge..vntill the new moone.




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