

单词 depredation
释义 depredation|dɛprɪˈdeɪʃən|
[a. F. déprédation, in 15th c. depredacion (Hatzf.), ad. L. dēprædātiōn-em plundering, n. of action from dēprædāre: see prec.]
1. The action of making a prey of; plundering, pillaging, ravaging; also, plundered or pillaged condition (obs.).
1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 343/2 Somme..seyng his depredacion entryd in to his hows by nyght and robbed hym.1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 354 By y⊇ depredacion & brennynge of our manours.1618Jas. I in Fortesc. Papers (Camden) 58 Touching his [Raleigh's] actes of hostilitie, depredation, abuse..of our Commission.1783Johnson Lett. to Mrs. Thrale 1 July, Till the neighbourhood should have lost its habits of depredation.1832H. Martineau Ireland vi. 92 When he heard of the acts of malice and depredation.
b. Sc. Law. (See quot.)
1861W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 278 Depredation or Hership, is the offence of driving away numbers of cattle or other bestial, by the masterful force of armed persons..The punishment is capital.
c. An act of spoliation and robbery; pl. ravages.
1495Act 11 Hen. VII, c. 9 Preamb., Robberies, felonyes, depredacions, riottes and other greate trespaces.1611Speed Theat. Gt. Brit. xxviii. (1614) 55/1 In the depredations of the Danes.1688in Somers Tracts II. 383 For redressing the depredations and robberies by the Highland Clans.1798Ferriar Illustr. Sterne vi. 169 Sterne truly resembled Shakespeare's Biron, in the extent of his depredations from other writers.1867M. E. Herbert Cradle L. vii. 202 Subject..to continual depredations at the hands of the Bedouins.
2. fig.
a. Consumption or destructive waste of the substance of anything. Obs.
1626Bacon Sylva §91 The Speedy Depredation of Air upon Watery Moisture, and Version of the same into Air, appeareth in..the sudden discharge..of a little Cloud of Breath, or Vapour, from Glass.1650tr. Bacon's Life & Death Pref. 3 The one touching the Consumption, or Depredation, of the Body of Man; The other, touching the Reparation, and Renovation of the same.1651Biggs New Disp. ⁋124 The deprædation of the strength, and very substance of our bodies.
b. pl. Destructive operations, ravages (of disease, physical agents).
1663Cowley Death Mrs. K. Philips 4 Cruel Disease!..the fairest Sex..thy Depredations most do vex.1750Johnson Rambler No. 74 ⁋2 Peevishness..may be considered as the canker of life, that creeps on with hourly depredations.1875Lyell Princ. Geol. II. ii. xxvii. 51 [They] perished..by the depredations of the lava.
Hence depreˈdationist, one who practises or approves of depredations.
1828Bentham Wks. (1843) X. 581 The enemies of the people may be divided into two classes; the depredationists..and the oppressionists.




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